Worried sick

ABC News: U.S. Commander Counters Murtha on Iraq — This is getting funnier by the minute. But the fact is the Republicans are panicking since they may lose their grip on Congress in 2006 because of Bush and Rumsfeld and Iraq. And they know it!

The withdrawal demand by Murtha, a veteran Pennsylvania Democrat, lent more intensity to the increasingly hot Iraq debate. Some members of the House and Senate, looking ahead to off-year elections next November, are publicly worrying about a quagmire there.

In many of the American edits the following paragraph was removed by the media:

With a Bronze Star and two Purple Hearts, Murtha retired from the Marine Corps reserves as a colonel in 1990 after 37 years as a Marine, only a few years longer than he’s been in Congress. Elected in 1974, Murtha has become known as an authority on national security whose advice was sought out by Republican and Democratic administrations alike.

  1. Dr.Funbags says:

    Seems the ABC News link now has the blurb, at the last page of the article.

  2. site admin says:

    i need to find some examples

  3. N. Eric Phillips says:

    “In many of the American edits the following paragraph was removed by the media:”

    Of course… its that darn liberal media bias everyone talks about. Everyone knows the libs own the media… oh, what? That was the media protecting the Conservative point of view? That the media has spent the last five years cow-twoing to a neo-con administration, turning a blind eye to everything that has gone wrong since then?

    I guess that means FOX ISN’T fair and balanced, and the faltering economy isn’t Clinton’s fault! Oh my!

  4. RTaylor says:

    These people still have this WWII era thinking that you can actually win a war and then repatriate the society to the American way. The human race is still tribal, and there’s no better example of it than the Middle East. German and Japan had a centrist mindset that made post war recover easier. Arabs, Persians, and Kurds are a very different people.

  5. rob says:

    Let’s see how all those dems vote on the troop pullout now when all those stupid, dumb, ignorant republicans bring it up for vote in congress.
    Than we will how much backbone they(dems) have.

  6. Incognito says:

    We pull out now or 5 years from now, Iraq will still go to hell.

  7. The commentator formerly known as Pat says:

    Murtha is right. But I disagree with pulling the troops out now. We created the power vacuum in Iraq, now we need to help guide it back onto its true democratic coarse. Pulling out now would do more harm then good.

  8. AST says:

    Are you ALL from Marin County here?

    This guy is a moron. His military experience seems to have more to do with bugging out than standing and fighting.

    This whole claim that Bush mislead all the Democrats into war is CYA for them since their base has turned out to be composed of the antiwar movement from the 1970s. They learn everything from chanting, so naturally they believe Bush Lied, People Died. How else could Howard Dean get to be party chairman?

    The Antiwar Party is running out of time. With every passing day, the indigenous forces become better and take over more of the task of defending their own people. We can’t have that! There’s an election next year. If they don’t stop it now, this war could turn into a success and the Iraqis will hold their elections on 12/15 and elect a government. And if that happens the Dems will have to live forever with the curse of Bush hanging over them.

  9. AB CD says:

    Murtha didn’t call for an immediate pullout, but at ‘the earliest predictable date’, whatever that means.

  10. GGW says:

    And then, a day later, he went and voted AGAINST everything he advocated.

  11. Eideard says:

    AB CD — the phrase was “earliest practicable”.

    GGW — haven’t you read any of articles we’ve been discussing?


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