Guantanamo sunrise photo approved by U.S. military censors Daylife/Getty Images

The self-styled mastermind of the September 11 attacks and four co-defendants have sent a note to a military judge at Guantanamo saying they wanted to confess and plead guilty.

The judge said he would question the five, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected planner of the September 11 attacks, to ensure that was their wish.

The judge, Army Col. Steven Henley, read from the note, which began: “We all five have reached an agreement to request from the commission an immediate hearing session in order to announce our confessions … with our earnest desire in this regard without being under any kind of pressure, threat, intimidations or promise from any party.”

The note said all five wished to plead guilty and withdraw any pending motions filed by their military-appointed lawyers, whom they do not trust and have tried to fire.

I haven’t any questions about the guilt of these killers. It seems self-evident. That brings nothing to bear on their right to make a public statement – along with their guilty plea..

  1. sargasso says:

    Just in time, before for the presidential inauguration. There’s a co-incidence.

  2. ECA says:

    And what of the OTHER prisoners??

  3. chuck says:

    My guess is that someone has finally explained to these idiots (the 9-11 defendants) how our cushy revolving-door justice system works. And that they sentence they get (up to and including death) will be better than spending all their lives in Gitmo.

    Once they’re out of Gitmo and in our regular prison system, they live the easy life until either Obama sends them back to Afghanistan or Pakistan, or where-ever, or they get a hot legal team who get them out in 10 years with a book deal.

  4. RBG says:

    In light of these voluntary confessions, Guantanamo can only be seen as a brilliant idea.

    Of course, I imagine there’s nothing more anti-climatic than wasting away in Margarita-ville compared to a glorious martyrdom with added wait-don’t-buy-yet-bonus of multitudes of virgins. Now there’s your torture.


  5. eyeofthetiger says:

    Brief history of KSM:

  6. soundwash says:

    um…you guys at really should have attached the BS Meter to this story.

    have you read the confession?
    (from CNN:)

    its a joke. no real detail, imo.

    the only reason they keep these confessions
    in military tribunals is because the evidence wouldn’t hold water in a regular court of
    law.. (oversimplified, but it suits the topic.)


    -now i figured what better place to
    hijack a thread..

    hey, DU editors, google “Oxford Dictionary culls hundreds of words” and pick your article source.
    i think it’s quite revealling in the
    “big picture” view esp.

    -worthy of it’s own DU Post.

    i picked up the article on russia today, but sits all over the place.. (if nothing else, i like RT’s use of short URL’s)

    anyway, sorry for the hijack, but hey i couldn’t resist the stretched irony. -and i do think it’ll make an interesting topic of debate..esp for DU regulars.. 😉


  7. Angel H. Wong says:


    The others were too strong-willed and managed to endure the torture.

  8. RBG says:

    6 Soundwash. The document you link to reflects events from March 2007. The defendant’s request to make a confession + guilty plea is new December 8, 2008.


  9. Nugget Coombs says:

    When are George W, Jeb, Condi, Dick, Don, and the rest of their cohorts going to be charged with organising the entire thing???

  10. Fall Tee Off says:

    Your attacks on the Bush administration are based on the same faulty intelligence.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    Let em confess then shoot them.

    Save time & money.


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