Canada governor-general returns to tackle crisis | International | Reuters

RallyforCanada.ca – Protect Canadian Democracy — Can someone explain what is happening in Canada. People are calling the situation a coup d’etat. Yes? No?

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, trying to prevent opposition parties from defeating his minority Conservative government in a confidence vote next Monday, could move to shut down Parliament temporarily but needs Jean’s permission to do so.

Jean, who is in Prague, will fly back on Wednesday rather than Saturday. She is the personal representative of Queen Elizabeth, Canada’s head of state.

“This decision has been made in light of the current political situation in Canada,” her office announced.

The opposition Liberals, New Democrats and separatist Bloc Quebecois signed an unprecedented deal on Monday to bring down Harper and create a coalition government that would keep them in power until at least June 30, 2010.

The opposition says Harper is not doing enough to tackle the financial crisis.

Speculation is mounting that Harper — facing his worst crisis since first winning power in January 2006 — will seek to shut down Parliament until a budget the government has promised for January 27.

Ottawa says the coalition deal showed the opposition were twisting the rules of democracy. The Conservatives won a strengthened minority in an Oct 14 election.

first rumblings posted here on the blog.

  1. QB says:


    Harper hates Dion more than anyone. Harper’s cheap shots at Dion’s wife and kids during the election shows why he isn’t fit to be PM.

    The conservatives need a real leader asap.

  2. techwiz81 says:

    It IS a coup d’etat, just the Canadian version which means no murders and no violent protests

  3. sargasso says:

    The Governor General is empowered to chuck them all out and hand select a ruling cabinet from the parliament floor. It happened in Australia in the 1970’s. Don’t f**k with the Governor.

  4. Canuck Dan says:

    #14: Rick Mercer gets it right and in plain English too – easy to understand: Conservatives == bad 😀

    If it wasn’t for the Bloc, I’d be 100% committed to the coalition. It’s a shame that they need them for this to truly work out. I guess all those sponsorship scandals are about to be even more wasteful with the Liberal/Bloc association.

    Commitment: 90% 🙂

  5. Dallas says:

    #35 “..What change, the same secretary of defense? Bill Richardson as commerce secretary? Please!…”

    Pedro, Pedro, Pedro… so sad. You ned to register with http://WWW.Change.Gov and get with program. Change is about leadership and direction.
    Democrat Richardson is a fine, experienced selection and Hillary replacing that Jamaican bitch Condolizard Rice, is applauded universally.

    The reason for Gates for defense is two fold:
    (1) Thanks to your Bush, we are at war now. makes sense to keep some stability, no?

    (2) Only Gates has seen the deep abyss that your Bush has dug the country into. We need his flashlight to get the hell out of it. no?

    I’m sure this is difficult to understand but your job is simple – just watch TV and let the right party run this time the nation.

  6. TootsieFarkleFanny says:

    I don’t see this as a constitutional crisis.

    This is in there so that a Minority gov’t acts like a minority and listens to and takes care of the people of Canada, not their own agenda. Harper has not done this. He used the economic crisis for his own party’s gain, and ignored the will and needs of Canadians – with a global crisis occuring. He screwed up, now the opposition can (rightfully) apply to the GG to boot him.

    Do I want another election already? Not really. Do I want the Bloc to have any power? Nope. Will I accept the GG’s decision? Absolutely! We have a parliamentary system that works.

    Kinda like Grandma’s gravy – the best in the world, worth the few lumps you have to take with it.

  7. MikeN says:

    This is nothing like what happened in Australia. Then, the Governor got approval from the Supreme Court, was from the same party as the loser, and the result was a new election.

  8. MikeR says:

    For our befuddled American friends – a brief history of the parties involved here:

    Liberals – pretty much the same since Confederation – waffles between somewhat left and centre. Tends to lose power when they go too far left. Canada’s Natural Governing Party. Majority government from 1993 to 2004. Minority government from 2004 to 2006.

    Conservatives – Many changes and blow-ups through the years. Latest self-destruction started under Mulroney and the Progressive Conservative party (PC). Came to power with a solid majority govenrment in 1984 because Mulroney convinced Quebecers to come on board. Had many Quebec MPs. Won second majority in 1988 but then the PC party self-destructed. The Quebec MPs left the PC party in 1991 and formed the Bloc Quebecois party (kinda ironic, ain’t it – the BQ formed by ex-Conservatives). The Western conservatives were fed up with the PCs and created the Reform Party in 1987 – stole many western seats from the PCs in 1993. When the dust settled in 1993, the PCs were left with 2 seats (that’s right – from 169 seats to 2 seats), the Bloc had 54 seats and the Reform had 52. The PCs limped along for several years before the remnants merged with the Reform party (now calling themselves the Alliance party – don’t ask) and formed the Conservative party with Harper as leader. Won a minority government in 2006 and again in 2008.

    Bloc Quebecois – Formed in 1991 from disgruntled Quebec Progressive Conservatives (see above). Main purpose – look after Quebec. No chance of ever forming government.

    NDP – Further left than Liberals – biggest support from trade unions. Tends to be happiest under Liberal minority governments where they have their most influence. No chance of ever forming government (too far left).

  9. QB says:

    MikeR, nice point.

    Everyone is looking at the Bloc right now. I think people should be paying attention to the UAW and the NDP during this shaky time in Southern Ontario. Buzz Hargrove jumped on the coalition pretty fast…

    Meanwhile, back at ranch, the Mop and Pail has an article on the Alliance/Conservative/BQ coalition talks back in 2000.

  10. qsabe says:

    It’s the start of winter in the north. Bunch of fat heads put their toques on to tight and now no one is thinking rational. ..
    George Bush who didn’t have to go to Canada to avoid the Vietnam war daddy saved him from, will now be heading north to escape prosecution for his crimes in the US. So they are just making a place for him in the future Canadian power structure.

  11. brendal says:

    I love Canada – their native costumes, song & culture!

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #25, Named,

    Don’t worry about #20, pedro. He is from Cuba and doesn’t quite understand the whole democracy thing. He has this notion that only the people he approves of should have any power.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #25, Named,

    To continue my #48 comment, see # 45 pedro for an example of his Cuban intellect.


    QB, Named, MikeR, and others. That is a good run down on Canadian politics. Thank you all.


    As Trudeau put it, the NDP are just Liberals in a hurry.

    Through Canada’s history, it has been the NDP that has been the driving force behind most of Canada’s social programs and best government. It has also been during minority governments that the Government functioned the best and most responsibly. Of course, the Conservatives are the exception to that rule.

  14. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    Good entertainment, eh?

  15. antons says:

    I just heard that parliament has been porogued for two months. That is so audacious by the GG, that I have started to think of the “Republic of Canada”. Isn’t it time we loosed these Bristish shackles ? What does the queen of England or her representative have to do with Canadians ?

  16. Paddy-O says:

    # 51 antons said, “What does the queen of England or her representative have to do with Canadians ?”

    Apparently, they still rule you. Must suck to have a person appointed by a foreign power, shut down your government.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #51 & 52,

    Too idiots that don’t understand what they are posting about.

    The queen does not rule Canada. It is a sovereign country and a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations.

    No one is appointed that can shut down the government.

  18. Paddy-O says:

    # 53 Mr. Fusion said, “No one is appointed that can shut down the government.”


    I guess the GG isn’t appointed and didn’t “shut down” the Gov’t?

  19. RBG says:

    Yesterday’s Ipsos-Reid poll:

    *75% of Canadians are “truly scared.”
    *If election held, Conservatives would win a majority with a record 46% support.
    *61% are against taxpayer-funded party subsidies.
    *60% for fighting coalition.
    *59% prefer Conservatives to tackle economy.

    I’m not even going to gloat, as this is not in my respectful nature.

    But if I did, it would only to ask how in hell supposed intelligent opposition leaders could think forcefully stripping power from a stable and successful minority government, just weeks after an election and bringing Canada to its knees was going to be a good thing for anyone?

    In the morning-after calm of the GG’s wise prorogue, only the opposition looks like a bunch of foaming-mad monkeys. This doesn’t even need to be confirmed by the public lashings the coalition is now taking from members of their own parties.

    The coalition’s best bet now is to paint Harper as a brilliant machiavellian svengali.


  20. RBG says:

    We everyone knows who was slated to be the Coalition’s PM: Stephane Dion. (Well, everyone except Americans, I suppose.) But might anyone know who was slated for that all-powerful position of Finance Minister?


  21. MvGuy says:

    I [an American] told my wife this morning that

    “The Queen’s “representative” had “prorogued” the

    Canadian parliament…… She said “no way”…

    BUT the unhappy truth seems 2Bb that a foreign

    “sovereign” has [temporary] “final say” in the

    circumstances of Canadian governance……….

    I can see the advantages of this arrangement BUT

    seems 2me more like meddling that mediating…

       /ˈmɛdl/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [med-l] Show IPA Pronunciation
    –verb (used without object), -dled, -dling.
    to involve oneself in a matter without right or invitation; interfere officiously and unwantedly: Stop meddling in my personal life!
    1250–1300; ME medlen < OF me(s)dler, var. of mesler (F mĂȘler) < VL *misculāre, freq. of L miscēre to mix

    UUUhhhhhh BUT meddling is “without right or

    invitation” SOOO in this case, its NOT meddling

    BECAUSE [apparently] the Canadians invited this

    or failed to dis-invite this foreign sovereign

    VETO power!!

    “Correspondents in Ottawa | December 06, 2008
    Article from: The Australian

    THE unelected Governor-General of Canada agreed to order an unprecedented suspension of parliament yesterday to save the Conservative minority Government from almost certain defeat in a no-confidence vote.”

    +++ WOW, it SAYS it ALL ++++++

  22. MvGuy says:

    +++++++++ Oh yeah, You Canadians are so lucky to have mum intervene……..Ya……..

    But…….. Does this not SMACK of neo-COLONIALISM

    I suppose the main purpose is to protect the

    neoCONz so its really perfect..Regal neoColonial

    neoCON putsch…… Do ya HOMEWERK… Find OUT

    WHAT GIVEz ……… Don’t just SUBMIT!!!!!!!!!


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