• Blockbuster releases a set-top box for movie distribution.
  • Facebook spammer story lives on.
  • Lenovo’s new computer has a remote kill command. Machine can be killed from a distance.
  • Black Friday coming up with sales everywhere. Look for Apple to do something.
  • Obama phone not hacked.
  • Ray Ozzie comes out in public with a speech. He wants MSFT to go back into start-up mode.
  • Is the computer mouse dead?
  • Two new memory technologies in the news. Look for a big future for graphene storage.

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  1. Lenovo’s “feature” invented by Chinese Govt?

  2. brendal says:

    R we evr going 2 c u on FB, John??

  3. djrob says:

    What a surprise, computer made by communist China has a kill switch.

  4. Uncle Patso says:

    Re: Remote kill switch
    The entire business world appears to have been infected with the kind of copyright insanity that has completely taken over the music industry. I see a day that we won’t be able to buy anything without a copyright czar coming to live with us to keep us from violating their fantasies.

    Is the mouse dead?
    I can’t believe Microsoft and (from their TV ads) HP really believe people will spend all day touching their screens instead of mouse and keyboard. Yeah, that’s just what I want to do — sit there with my arm out all day…

  5. Dallas says:

    It’s amazing to me how carbon and it’s various atomic structures are revolutionizing so many basic materials.

    These two most recent carbon structures graphene (lattice) and nanotubes (tubes)are destined to be miracle foundation materials. It is worth noting that these two magical structures came about when Obama was sent to earth. Change is coming.

  6. Uncle Patso says:

    # 5 Dallas said, in part:

    “It’s amazing to me how carbon and it’s various atomic structures are revolutionizing so many basic materials.

    These two most recent carbon structures graphene (lattice) and nanotubes (tubes)are destined to be miracle foundation materials…”

    I guess this means one day we will all be able to say in complete truthfulness, “It’s a series of tubes!”

  7. sargasso says:

    Graphene, a single-atom thick sheet of carbon. Useful for small stuff, it can be “doped” with semiconductor material to create micro-circuits with spooky thin-film quantum electro-hydrodynamic behavior. It can be used to make ultra-efficient ultra capacitors. It can be used to stop hydrogen gas leakage, no atoms can pass through it. More applications are coming.

  8. Dallas says:

    #8 Yes, indeed. You noticed too?
    Glad you finally BELIEVE!

    Happy Thanksgiving.


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