
BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Miers debacle hits struggling president — An article on the BBC about Miers withdrawl had this one interesting comment:

Democrats have not had to lift a finger to create the turmoil that now surrounds the Bush presidency.

Apparently the Dems are so lost that eventually we’ll just have TWO Republican parties bickering. Why not?

  1. Ima Fish says:

    You got that right. Conservatives seem more pissed than the Left. Check out this hilarious comment from Ann Coulter:

    “I have finally hit upon a misdeed by the Bush administration so outrageous, so appalling, so egregious, I am calling for a bipartisan commission with subpoena power to investigate: Who was his second choice?”

  2. American Soldier says:

    Oh come on….everyone knows that Meyers was a ploy! Everyone knew that she didn’t have a chance in hell to get confirmed. The question is: What is the President’s end game strategy for this position?

  3. Ima Fish says:

    American Soldier, you think WAY too highly of W. The guy’s a friggin’ moron. It’s common knowledge that he hates research, thinking, contemplating, analyzing. He did all that with Roberts. When faced with going through that process again he went with his famous “gut” and nominated the first attorney he knew who also happened to respond with a “yes.”

  4. American Soldier says:

    And yet Bush had a higher GPA than John Kerry…..

    Don’t let your hatred get in the way of common sense.

  5. RTaylor says:

    I honestly think the man is so out of touch that he thought the party would rally to any nominee he put forth. His advisors must no longer have much influence, or they’re stooges themselves. Between this, Iraq, and the upcoming indictments, this is a lame duck administration. The next round of republican candidates are distancing themselves, along with the mid-term republican candidates.

  6. T.C. Moore says:

    I was amused and impressed when I saw Sen. Chuck Shumer on a Sunday show start the Dems’ flanking manouver on Miers: (paraphrasing) “If he dumps this nominee, we are really concerned about the power the far right has over this President, that they could kill this nomination.”

    Intellectual and old-guard conservatives are united in opposition to her. It’s the religious right that is split. This withdrawal is a victory for Reaganites, not Dobson or Fallwell.

    It’s also a victory for having the highest standards of excellence on the highest court in the land.

  7. Stacia says:

    I keep wondering if she wasn’t a patsy of some sort as well. But then I remember how stupid W is. Then again, his “brain” (Rove) has been a little busy lately. Still, this is *such* a big deal….

    It just doesn’t make any sense, and it probably never will.

    At least the fed chair nominee looks good, but it sounds like he was really the only choice.

  8. Sounds the Alarm says:

    You can buy a GPA –

  9. Sounds the Alarm says:

    Bush isn’t honest anything.

    WMD’s anyone?

  10. American Soldier says:

    Ok, let’s look at why he might nominate someone who has NO judicial experience nor any experience with constitutional law. Putting up a punching bag for the liberal population will only grease the tracks for the next nominee. Granted it seemed like more conservatives rejected her than Liberals, but the principle is the same…let individuals beat up on a nominee, then choose your REAL nominee and if they beat up on them, they will appear that they are attacking the President and not the qualifications of the nominee. Then there would be a discussion about how opposition to the President is ripping the country apart, etc, etc. That nominee would be ratified as most politicians don’t want to look like jerks.

    Again, set aside your hate and use some common sense. You might think that Bush is an idiot, but the real idiot would be the person who doesn’t have suspicion of devious planning in the works.

  11. John L says:

    I love these people.

    “All part of Bush’s master plan”

    Ha ha.

  12. Mike Voice says:

    And yet Bush had a higher GPA than John Kerry…..

    If that isn’t “damning with faint praise” – I don’t know what is. 🙂

    The “threat” of Dubya appointing at least one Justice to the court was mentioned during the campaign.

    Dubya and his staff can’t have been surprised by this, and yet she was the “best choice” he could make?

  13. Kevin says:

    The guy is a complete moron. I think that’s why he’s president. That way guys like Rove and Chenney can really run the country.

    Dude, if you’re going to call someone a moron, maybe you should check your spelling.

  14. Mel says:

    Chance the gardener.

  15. Don says:

    “And yet Bush had a higher GPA than John Kerry…..”

    So how big of a moron do you have to be to lose to a moron? Illustrative of the pathetic state of the Democratic party.

  16. Mike Voice says:

    Chance the gardener.



  17. Mike Voice says:

    You might think that Bush is an idiot, but the real idiot would be the person who doesn’t have suspicion of devious planning in the works.

    I agree, which is an indication of how cynical I am toward our current state of political discourse, but I see a problem with that idea – in this case – based on Bush’s statement about Miers

    From a BBC story on Oct 4:

    President Bush rejected suggestions of cronyism in appointing Ms Miers – a close White House aide.

    I picked the best person I could find. People know we’re close.”

    If he truly planned on using her as a punching bag, he should have stuck with:
    “It’s important to bring in somebody from the outside. People will get to see her character and a sense of her judicial philosophy… Harriet Miers will bring dignity to the bench.”

    Putting up a punching bag for the liberal population will only grease the tracks for the next nominee. Granted it seemed like more conservatives rejected her than Liberals, but the principle is the same…let individuals beat up on a nominee, then choose your REAL nominee and if they beat up on them, they will appear that they are attacking the President and not the qualifications of the nominee.

    And it is a double-edged sword. Conservatives can also be accused of attacking the President, if they beat-up on his next nominee. 🙂

  18. laineypie says:

    I read an article today in the Arizona Republic that talked about a deal that was struck with the Democrats awhile back when Sandra Day O’Connor first retuired. I guess back when the Republicans were thinking of getting rid of the filibuster tactic, they decided to strike a deal with Democrats instead. The deal was, Democrats make it easy for Bush to pick whoever he wants to sit on the bench, and the Republicans leave the filibuster issue alone. The only condition of the Democrats accepting the deal was that the nominee not be outrageously conservative. Well, after a pick like Harriet Miers, everyone can be assured the next nominee will be even more of a religious zealot. But, if the Democrats put up much of a fight, they will lose the filibuster issue, and they will also look bad for putting off a second choice. There definately was a master plan behind this nomination, especially considering the fact that this woman had no experience. Also, one of the reasons cited for the withdrawal was the fact that the only public writings this woman has consist of files that are confidential to the administration and could not be released anyway- a perfect strategy for withdrawal. It was a setup to get the craziest religious zealot on the bench that can be found.

  19. Mike Voice says:

    The deal was, Democrats make it easy for Bush to pick whoever he wants to sit on the bench, and the Republicans leave the filibuster issue alone

    So sad that I had already forgotten about all the Nuclear Option rhetoric that was being spouted “back then”. Seems like ancient history, in our short-attention-span, headline news world. 🙁

    I was missing that piece of the puzzle, in trying to determine what the “devious planning in the works” might be. (tip ‘o the hat – again – to American Soldier)


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