This may not be of much interest to someone living in the cornfields of Iowa, but if you live in a big city, it could save the top of your head from exploding during your commute.

Traffic Taming – As everyone knows, one of the major problems hampering evacuation efforts during hurricanes Katrina and Rita was traffic congestion. Given the number of people fleeing the storms, the gridlock may have been inevitable.

But several startups are trying to alleviate everyday slowdowns by giving drivers real-time information online about the worst congestion points.

Inrix uses Bayesian machine learning algorithms to make statistical inferences and predictions about traffic, based on variables such as weather conditions, construction schedules, holidays, sporting events, and historical traffic patterns.

  1. John Schumann says:

    Just a hunch, but I think many people actually want to sit in traffic jams, but would never admit it even to themselves. They sure do it a lot.

  2. decompiler says:

    when else would i listen to TWiT!?

  3. mike cannali says:

    It would be so much easier if everyone else would get off my road

  4. Pat says:

    Traffic jams seem popular even if they are expensive. I doubt they could compare to my Raspberry Jam. Sorry I couldn’t make enough for everbody.

    Aahhh, living in the country has it’s advantages.

  5. Teyecoon says:

    You’re dying!…Now, did that solve that problem? Of course not and either does simply notifying people about the inevitable. It just makes them begin to worry earlier.

  6. Eideard says:

    Martin — OS X users already have a widget for that.


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