“I’m Marc Perkel, and I personally endorsed this message.”

  1. mthrnite says:

    bac: I respect what you’re saying, and in a different time (say, 1996) when there wasn’t so much crisis flying around. I wouldn’t have a problem voting as protest. Luckily for me, I see both of the main candidates as viable this time around, and even though when I plug my prefs into the “who should I vote for” machine, I still come out Nader, I know that he doesn’t stand a chance. So lesser of two weevils it is.

    What you’re saying is essentially right, and I’m wrong to say I won’t vote at all, that is apathy. Re-thinking it, I’m sure I would “protest vote”, but only if the candidate was viable and/or I had considerable disdain for both Dems and Reps that were running.

    I hope you’re not too old dude, and I hope I’m not either, to see that viable third party emerge. Lastly, I didn’t want to come across like I was cutting on anyone that votes their conscience, I’m absolutely not. There’s something admirable in the mouse giving the lunging owl the finger. Hopefully, one day, the mouse will be packing an Uzi.

  2. Rick Cain says:

    Ron Howard still sounds exactly the same now as when he was in his 20’s. It was nice to see an ode to my childhood TV.

    McCain does have an endorsement from an obscure spanish language soap opera star though!

  3. Oh heck. Obama is the undisputed winner.

    Why are we even bothering with this post hoc silliness.

    Obama will be assuming the Oval Office in 82 days.

    Deal with it.

    Or not.

  4. deowll says:

    I’m not a doctor but I once played one on tv…give me a break.

  5. MikeN says:

    Jump the shark

  6. Change We Don't Need says:

    This goes to show just how stupid some actors can be. They had this awesome character, reach the top of the top, and then they blow it to pieces by re-appearing with performances on par with tacky Elvis impersonators.

  7. Paddy-O says:

    #34 “Obama will be assuming the Oval Office in 82 days.

    Deal with it.”

    Those are the odds. I’m already moving capital out of country. Lots o ways to legally avoid the $ grab.

  8. grog says:

    #26 ronald reagan was from

    …wait for it…


    please quit blaming hollywood for your lot in life.

    thank you.

  9. grog says:

    #22 you don’t even make any sense anymore.

    i think watching mccain lose and seeing your hope for another republican in the white house going down the drain has left you bitter and incoherent.

    most true conservatives recoil in horror at what g.w. bush has done to the budget and the constitution.

    yet hacks such as yourself cling to tired cliche’s an sad dreams of what could have been

    i feel your pain. but don’t worry. we democrats will get the budget balanced again. seem we always have to clean up after gop spending orgies.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    #38 – Señor O’Furniture

    >>Those are the odds. I’m already moving
    >>capital out of country.

    Oh yeah. Paddy O’Pinocchio, the heavy hitting titan of capitalism.


    You’re probably still waiting for your earned-income payment from the gummint.

    Check out Mister Businessman.

    I’m choking on my green tea.


  11. grog says:


    conservatives still can’t admit that george w. bush couldn’t balance a single budget the entire time he had republican majorities in the house and senate.

    six budgets, all deeeeeeeeeep in the red.

    they’ve lost all sense of reality.

  12. weymo says:

    First order of business for President Obama and the Democrat Congress…repeal the DCMA. Let’s see what ‘spread the wealth around’ means to Hollywood. When these celebutantes and blowhards realize that they aren’t producing durable goods in this country and that they serve at the pleasure of the populace, maybe they will look at the difference between theory economics and practical application for us working stiffs.

  13. James Hill says:

    #40 – Worship, noted. And total victory for me, as you cannot counter the master.

    More worship. I command you all.

  14. Paddy-O says:

    #42 grog – “conservatives still can’t admit that george w. bush couldn’t balance a single budget the entire time”

    Easy to admit. Presidents don’t balance budgets the House does, or doesn’t.

  15. Rick Cain says:

    The president can veto a budget and tell congress to try again.

  16. Rick Cain says:

    Bush never vetoed a thing until it was time to go to war on stem cell research.


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