Expect to see Palin look-alikes galore this Halloween. Wiggles Dog Wigs earlier this month started selling Palin-style wigs for canines after a customer request. So far owner Ruth Regina says she’s sold about 150 of the wigs, which start at $39 – making it a top seller. Meanwhile, owner of Miami Beach-based WigSalon.com, Joseph Aronesty, said strong sales of $25 “Sarah Palin style wigs” indicate she’ll be the hit character of the season. Four wigs that Aronesty re-branded after the Alaskan governor now make up about 25% of his weekly sales, and customers are buying approximately 10 times as many of those pieces as they did before Palin hit the national scene. And depending on the outcome of the election, the now instantly recognizable coif won’t disappear after Oct. 31. “If they win, we have four years of Sarah Palin wigs,” he said.

Then there is this gem from Dell:

In some instances the connection to the candidate is purely serendipitous. Case in point: One of Dell’s ads for it Latitude laptop features a woman who looks strikingly like Palin. “We were going after evoking a distinguished woman,” said Jeremy Bolen, a Dell spokesman. The ad has gotten some buzz in the blogosphere, but Bolen says the likeness is strictly by chance. The ad launched in August and was shot in May, months before Palin became a household name. Bolen said Dell hasn’t received any feedback on the coincidence, nor does it expect the Sarah Palin look-alike aspect to impact sales.

It looks like these products will have a very short run….2 weeks to be exact. But hey, I could be wrong!

Thanks to Mister Justin

  1. James Hill says:

    It’s amazing how Liberals can argue both sides of a conversation and still be wrong.

    – Princess Palin won’t be out of national politics after this election, regardless of who wins (and it won’t be her side).

    – Princess Palin isn’t the ordained nominee for ’12.

    So what will the Princess do? I’m guessing the Sunday Morning talk show circuit about once a quarter, and satellite interviews on CNN and Fox.

    Why invest the money? Because she’s the best asset the right currently has, and the ’10 Congressional race is prime for the taking… with her in the Newt role.

  2. I says:

    #1 “…with her in the Newt role.”

    Aliens is my favorite film as well!

  3. Named says:

    Why invest the money? Because she’s the best asset the right currently has, and the ‘10 Congressional race is prime for the taking.

    Scraping the bottom of the barrel. Oh well. Is there something about intelligence and sophistication that the Right is so vehemently against? Do you always have to have ignant fucktards running the show?

  4. JimD says:



  5. brendal says:

    Passing this comment along:

    Was it only a month ago the media (conservatives included) regularly criticized the McCain camp for keeping Gov. Palin bottled up? What were they afraid of? Let the woman speak! Since then, she’s done frequent interviews and even held a few press conferences. Meantime, Sen. Biden — who initially gave press conferences until his traveling press corps begged for mercy — hasn’t given a single one in weeks. Yesterday, after Biden’s Sunday gaffe — whereby he “gauranteed” that electing Sen. Obama would herald an international crisis — he wasn’t speaking to the media at all. Remember: This is the “experienced” half of the ticket, the guy supposedly ready to take over as commander-in-chief at the drop of a hat — yet he’s suddenly in hiding from the press. Trust me, I can understand why the press isn’t exactly flying into fits of rage of his sudden silence, but does this still mean Palin’s qualifications are what Americans need to be questioning?

  6. grog says:

    there’s a woman at my work who has the palin hairdo right now.

    kinda cute.

    bottom line: palin is a shrewd politician. i mean. she didn’t get to be governor by military coup.

    i just don’t think she has the chops to run the whole shootin’ match, regardless of her admittedly adroit skills with firearms.

    get over it.

  7. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    Uhh, I have seen plenty of porn magazine that feature palin look alike way before anybody knows her.

  8. Glenn E. says:

    James Hill could have something there. McPalin probably won’t win. But since she’s got that journalism degree (something Limbaugh doesn’t even have). She could end up being the Republican’s newest candidate for replacement of Rush Limbaugh. Though she’s bone stupid about mostly every issue, except sports. That never slowed down Limbaugh from bashing the democrats all these years. If Palin does end up on XM radio. It’ll be just one more reason for me never to own one of those boxes.


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