I made one crummy comment on Twitter about Obama’s crazy “I visited 57 states and have one to go” comment and the Obamabots immediately came out of the woodwork to tell me what he meant to say or how he was tired and whatever. When this guy is elected, the concept of “politically correct” is going to be unbelievable, especially in California where the desire of the Progressives to lord it over everyone is extreme. But what really gets me to roll my eyes is the snippy and arrogant attitude of superiority of the bots like this guy who sent me a reply to set me straight. Har.

You can’t write this stuff.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    #67 J said, “There is a very clear definition of what make a U.S. State. ”

    Very good J! You’re making progress.

    Now, don’t try to weasel a freebie out of me. I’ve given you a few already.

    Do you want to set up an account?

  2. J says:

    68 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker.

    That’s ok you can dodge the question all you want. I have given you a chance to prove your knowledge and you can’t because you don’t really posses the knowledge and are to ignorant of the topic to even know where to look it up.

  3. adogg4629 says:

    As an Obama Supporter let me say that we all haven’t lost our sense of humor. Keep it up.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    #69 “That’s ok you can dodge the question all you want.”

    The question of why you think the # of states is other than 50? I think it has to do with your lack of education. I can’t be sure. Maybe you could enlighten us. What was the last elementary school grade you completed?

  5. J says:

    # 71 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker.

    I don’t think that the number of states is anything other than 50. I have stated such and never anything to the contrary despite your douche nozzle interpretation of what I wrote.

    The question is to you as to why Puerto Rico and DC and why they are not and why they are different and don’t fit the definition of a state.

    You can’t answer that because you don’t know and are only shooting off your mouth about your lack of knowledge. It is a simple one or two sentence answer depending how you word it. You could end all of this and make yourself not look like an ignorant dolt if you just told us.


    You can dodge but you can’t hide.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #72 “I don’t think that the number of states is anything other than 50.”

    It’s okay J. I’m glad you are learning about America. There’s nothing shameful in having to learn.

    Keep studying. As you do, the vistas that will open up for you are beyond your wildest dreams!

    Knowledge IS power.

  7. J says:

    # 73 Paddy-O

    “Knowledge IS power.”

    That is why you are a weak fool!

  8. J says:

    # 75 pedro

    I admit you are a douchenozzle!

  9. smartalix says:

    The fact that most of these debates on Obama pivot on verbal typos is extremely telling. Where is the scrutiny and hue & cry over his stated policies? Is it that the naysayers have nothing to criticize but trivialities?

  10. J says:

    # 78 pedro

    What about McCain and his numerous inaccurate and incorrect statements?

  11. smartalix says:


    If he had made an error in describing a policy or in a position paper, I would hold him to task. But to jump on a statement made about the hectic nature of the campaign with a count of places visited is a stretch.

    What are the other things he has said that you feel aren’t right or factual? If this is all you have, you have a very poor case.

  12. hhopper says:

    Seriously, do you think he really doesn’t know how many states there are?


  13. GF says:

    John, everybody knows that those 7 extra states are in the World of Warcraft – Obama edition. 😉

    I heard Acorn has signed up a ton of elves to vote too.

  14. Montanaguy says:

    I’m amazed that the Mr.Mustard, who I suspect is an Obamabot, hasn’t botted this topic yet. He’s probably short-circuited.

  15. JFech says:

    Here is what I read in that blog post:


    If you make comments about politics, be prepared for a retort(or 1000 of them).

  16. Bill says:

    I read this blog every day, and what I can’t hardly fathom is all these people who post about Senator Obama said 57 states and seriously comment as if he doesn’t know how many states there are in the USA. Seriously? You must like to see yourself in print. That mispeak is on your list of critics of the Senator? It is so trivial as to boggle the mind that you take the time to blog about it an discuss it. So much more is at stake. Talk about anything else, please. Something that matters, like his energy policy and reported reluctance about nuclear energy plants. Or his education policy.

    “But that’s what he said!” is such a useless defense. “Then he went to Hawaii, when he said he wasn’t going to go”… pointless discussion. As if that helps anyone determine who should be President.

    Try to fathom if he would continue to erode our rights as the past eight years have seen, in order to make us safe. Try to determine if he is in favor of the sham security we are subjected to at the airports. Try to determine if he will secure the Mexican and Canadian borders. Try to determine if he will go to war to protect Isreal. Those are real issues. Not some stupid statement about 57 states.

    I sit in wonder of the web-fame-wanna-bees.

    I think deep thought is beyond so many people that they latch on to the trivial.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #73, Cow-Paddy,

    It’s okay J. I’m glad you are learning about America. There’s nothing shameful in having to learn.

    Oh how so many of us wish you learn a little. Then you wouldn’t need to bullshit us so much.

    For your information, there are 46 States in the United States of America. There are also four Commonwealths. These fifty entities are represented by the 50 stars on the flag and comprise the voting segment of the Congress. The District of Columbia is a Federal District. Anything else is a territory.


    So you charge $150 / hour. Ya right. And what do you teach? Bull shit?

    I haven’t done any this year, but over the past few years I have been tutoring High school students. Passing their grade was gratitude enough for me. I’ve even had one come over and cut my grass for me when he found out I was ill. That meant more to me than money ever could.

    It is easy to see that you could never really tutor others. Simply because it requires some knowledge about a subject. I don’t think there is much demand to learn how to be an idiot.

  18. LibertyLover says:


    Saying a commonwealth is not a state is like saying a parish is not a county.

    It has a different name, but the differences stop there. They are synonyms.

  19. geofgibson says:

    #86 – “…That mispeak is on your list of critics of the Senator? It is so trivial as to boggle the mind that you take the time to blog about it an discuss it.”

    You miss the point. It is about the hypocrisy of the Left. If Bush said it, if Palin said it, if Dan Quayle said it, if anyone on the Right said it, they would be hammered for being morons, etc., blah, blah, blah.

    The Left won’t criticize The Obamessiah, nor his Wacky Sidekick Joe, no matter what they say. Given their willingness to swallow any Kool Aid from Daily Kos and Huffington Post, it makes one question their judgement about their candidate.

  20. BigCarbonFoot says:

    We’re all gonna die.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #88, Loser,

    Saying a commonwealth is not a state is like saying a parish is not a county.

    A parish isn’t a county. Very similar, but they are different. While both are now political districts, parishes were created from the ecclesiastical area served by a church and counties are artificially created areas.

    From your link

    Officially Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Virginia, and Massachusetts are all commonwealths. When Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Virginia, and Massachusetts became part of the United States, they merely took the old form of state in their title.

    Now that answer is incorrect. Why? Because at least Kentucky didn’t become a political unit until after the United States were formed.

    You want more proof? Go to Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Virginia, or Massachusetts and tell them they live in the State of Pennsylvania, the State of Kentucky, the State of Virginia, or the State of Massachusetts.

    Trivial? Yes, but a true fact. Is referring to the “57” states trivial? Yes, especially when viewed in the light of a tired man making a quick comment.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #89, geof,

    If Bush said it, if Palin said it, if Dan Quayle said it, if anyone on the Right said it, they would be hammered for being morons, etc.

    Would they?

    Bush has made this a constant habit.

    Palin’s criticisms come from her lack of knowledge more than any little misspeak.

    Quayle is most known for his correcting the spelling of the word potato. It was neither off the cuff nor could Quayle claim fatigue. Never a stellar light in Congress, he never went on to disprove his critics.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #90, peehead,

    Coming from you, Bill should surely take that as a compliment. Geeze I wish you had something to add to the discussion once in a while.

    #91, iHotAir,

    After you Ma’am.

  24. Alex Wollangk says:

    Okay, I’m chiming in without reading all the comments because it got into name-calling and that always pisses me off.

    Yes, Obama does mis-speak. Just like McCain and good ‘ol “W” mis-speaks. I think it’s really funny that he said he visited 57 states and still had one to go. I don’t think anyone can really justify the stand that this wasn’t a mis-statement. There’s no way he could possibly not know how many states there are in the US. (Yes, if McCain or “W” had said this I would also be saying the same thing.)

    There are even things he says that AREN’T mis-statements that *GASP* I DISAGREE WITH. I think his apparent nuclear-phobia is mis-placed and I agree more with McCain. There are definitely elements of McCain’s energy policy I like better than Obama’s. If they dropped the whole monumentally stupid Alaskan drilling and added a bit more emphasis on new technologies and less on “clean coal” and McCain’s energy policy would (in my opinion) be about perfect. If I can get past the Alaskan drilling I’d even venture to say that McCain’s energy policy is better than Obama’s.

    I think that public health needs to be more socialized, but am afraid that letting OUR government handle it will be like giving everybody the worst HMO on the planet. Although in some ways I think it would be really hard to do worse than we’re doing now. I think Obama’s is the best plan out there, but I still have some significant misgivings about it. I must say, though, that the worst plan I heard wasn’t McCain’s, it was actually Clinton’s. Neither McCain nor Obama actually had the brilliant idea of fining people for not being able to afford health insurance.


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