BBC NEWS | UK | Game delayed over Koran phrases — Curiously, according to reports, it was a Muslim who put the Koran quote in the game, but I guess he wasn’t a minority Islamist offended at every turn. When the Islamists talk, we listen, shaking in our boots. I love the Sony apology despite the fact the game was never released! None of these bodes well for the everyday Muslim who has never looked for this sort of negative attention.

Entertainment company Sony has postponed the global release of a much- anticipated video game because of concerns that it may offend Muslims. Copies of LittleBigPlanet are being recalled from shops worldwide after it emerged that a background music track contained two phrases from the Koran.

Sony says it apologises for any offence caused, and that a modified version is due to be released next month. The game is expected to be a hit for the Playstation 3 games console.

A contributor to an online games forum reported the presence of the phrases from the Koran, adding that mixing music and words from Islam’s most holy text could be considered deeply offensive by Muslims. Eighteen months ago, Sony apologised to the Church of England after setting scenes in a violent video game inside Manchester Cathedral.

On that occasion the game was not withdrawn.

  1. rectagon says:

    I guess “turn the other cheek” isn’t in the koran.

  2. I says:

    This is news? Religious groups are intolerant.

    “We enjoyed the metaphor of Jesus as a pedophile” is not a statement you are ever likely to hear in the future from any religious organization.

  3. GF says:

    I always liked Confucius myself.

  4. Lou says:

    Grow some balls Sony.

  5. geofgibson says:

    #3 – Confucius, like Lao Tzu and Siddhārtha Gautama (Buddha), was a philosopher rather than a religious leader. A rather inapt comparison as, even if you are of the mind that religion is the source of all evil, you never hear about homicidal Confucians or Buddhists blowing up pizza parlors.
    As a matter of fact, the overwhelming majority of violent religious incidents recently occurring are perpetrated by Muslims who refuse to get along with their neighbors. This from the self proclaimed ‘religion of peace.’ Curious, no?

  6. Tippis says:

    #5: “even if you are of the mind that religion is the source of all evil, you never hear about homicidal Confucians or Buddhists blowing up pizza parlors.”

    No, but as it happens, the only religion-based terrorist group to ever obtain, manufacture and use WMDs (on multiple occasions at that) was… buddhist.

  7. LinusVP says:

    I guess if you piss off the Church of Englnd they don’t want chop your head off.

  8. Lord Protector Cromwell says:

    >Yeah, well. The COE doesn’t emphasize their displeasure with maniacs wearing Semtex underoos.

    #9 – Not anymore. But C of E did at one time kill a lot of people who didn’t agree with them. Of course, that was before the invention of Semtex. But if Cromwell had that stuff available to him, he would have been happy to make use of it.

  9. Special Ed says:

    Sony should replace it with this:
    Porn-surfing clergyman downs church network

  10. Mojo Yugen says:

    Maybe Sony is recalling it to ADD more offensive content. Anyone for a Mohammad Sack-boy costume? Baby-back ribs and winged horse included!

  11. bobbo says:

    And the referenced phrases are still not to be revealed even in a “news” story?

    Unpleasant action should be taken before these islamofascists get the bomb.

  12. uzam says:

    It’s Qur’an for you, mr. Dvorak. You should give it a read sometime : )

  13. James Hill says:

    #16 – At least he didn’t call it Charmin.

  14. Floyd says:

    Chances are Mr. Dvorak doesn’t read Arabic; in English it’s the Koran. If you have an issue with that, we don’t really care.
    I read an English translation of the Koran many years ago in a comparative religions class and was underwhelmed, as I am with the Bible and other religious texts. I gave religion up for Lent about the same time.

  15. Larry says:

    Qu’ran, the book of war. If I were Sony, I’d tell them to pound sand.

  16. zorkor says:

    DO you guys have anything else to do except to spill bullshit against Islam? i mean Islam doesn’t make fun of Bible or Jesus but why should you make fun of it? As for Atheists, I dont care for stray sheeps. Let the wolves eat them. ha!

  17. uzam says:

    @ 19. Ouch! 🙂
    No, Zorkor, we do not want them to get eaten.
    (And it’s “sheep” already in plural form, bro)

  18. Special Ed says:

    #16 – You’re number 16 douchebag!

  19. James Hill says:

    #16 – I know: I’d rather address the most intelligent post in the thread (my own) than the moron who thinks the spelling of Qur’an matters.

    Special Ed, you’ve just been owned. Allah loves you, though.

  20. waltersobchack says:

    The issue here is freedom of expression and the freedom to offend.

    We all reserve the right to offend and to be offended.

    No one deserves the right to censor either of those inalienable freedoms.

    For example if I want to draw, read, publish and enjoy a comic strip of Muhammad then that is my inalienable right to do so. If you want to be offended by it you reserve every right be.

    However you do not reserve the right to censor me and remove my inalienable freedom simply because YOU are offended.

  21. Frank Baird says:

    A few days ago there was a post here saying the extreme Christians are no different than extreme Muslims. Yet here is a post which is an excellent example of how that is simply not the case.

  22. GF says:

    #5 geofgibson
    I’m just saying that Sony can’t go wrong with sayings from Confucius. Most people here in the U.S. still eat fortune cookies even though they have phrases from Confucius in many of them. I wasn’t comparing Confucianism to Islam or any other religion. Nor did I say religion or philosophy was evil. Did that clear it up for you?

  23. brendal says:



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