Found by John Ligums.

  1. antix says:

    Come on. Really? Must be a slow news day.

  2. comhcinc says:

    lol Amen brother, nothing feels quite like that!

  3. Chris Mac says:

    I guess we know what “team” he plays for.

  4. Special Ed says:

    James Hill can relate.

  5. Balbas says:

    Prison Baseball — Live It!

  6. buzzerd says:

    Phillies might be gay, but we will still beat the s**t out of you!

  7. grass4 says:

    What a classic line, “When you get your ass hammered by guys.”

    Where are you Angel H. Wong?

  8. fulanoche says:

    You know, he will never ever live that down. Too funny.

  9. bobbo says:

    I didn’t like Little League and all they did was hit you in the shoulder.

    I’ll never go pro.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    Taking one for the Team… 😛 Well, at least he enjoys it… 😉

  11. Sounds like MORE than one for the team.

    As for beating anyone…

  12. brendal says:

    Boys and their games… ::rolls eyes::

  13. Colin Peddle says:

    I heard:

    “Gettin’ that nice celebration cum in the dugout, getten your ass hammered by guys, there’s no better feeling then having that done.”

  14. Judge Judy says:

    No wonder a lot of guys are usually standing in the dugout.

  15. amodedoma says:

    Yeah, gotta love them ass hammerin’ PHILLIES!


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