Not so fast!


Obama Hasn’t Closed the Sale – — Exactly why Karl Rove is left out in the cold to write op-eds and blog while the GOP blows the election, is mystifying. Love him or hate him, he’s a wonk’s wonk. Here is his analysis of the situation. Summary: McCain is losing, but it’s not over yet. He points out that Obama is not taking anything for granted although most Democrats are already planning for the inaugural ball.

Mr. McCain’s other adjustment is his schedule. His campaign understands the dire circumstances it faces and is narrowing his travels almost exclusively to Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Missouri, Colorado and Nevada. If he carries those states, while losing only Iowa and New Mexico from the GOP’s 2004 total, Mr. McCain will carry 274 Electoral College votes and the White House. It’s threading the needle, but it’s come to that.

This task, while not impossible, will be difficult. By mid-September, the McCain camp was slightly ahead in the polls. Then came the financial crisis. The past month has taken an enormous toll on the McCain campaign.

Whether it can find the right formula in the next 19 days to dig out is a question. If Mr. McCain succeeds, he will have engineered the most impressive and improbable political comeback since Harry Truman in 1948. But having to reach back more than a half-century for inspiration is not the place campaign managers want to be now.

  1. Earl P says:

    George Wallace said it best, “there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between” Republicans and Democrats. The Democrats willingly went along with the War in Iraq, suspension of Habeas Corpus, Patriot Act, banning books like “America Deceived’ from Amazon, Wikipedia and Facebook, warrant-less wiretapping and opening private mail. They are both guilty of treason.
    Clean them all out and save this great nation.
    Last link (before Google Books bends to gov’t Will and drops the title):

  2. HotCarl Rove says:

    HAR! I’m engineering a victory for Ron Paul so the Pelosians…err Pleiadians can take over while you Americans are distracted. has been a test as part of the plan. We know who you are.

    HotCarl Rove

  3. Uncle Patso says:

    #32 Earl P, please stop spamming every website and blog with ads for your vanity press book. By the way, your vanity publisher iUniverse has either gone out of business or forgotten to pay their electric bill or their ISP; my browser keeps saying “Can’t find the server at

    # 6 James Hill said:

    “Are you liberals really this nervous? Honestly, I don’t get it. Why so concerned?”

    Remember this? (Maybe you saw the picture in history class.)

    another version

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    For anyone still reading this thread, here is another very well written assessment of Obama’s political position.

    It’s from Pat Buchanan, and he has a good point.

  5. jccalhoun says:

    You mean racist and ultra-conservative Buchanan doesn’t like the black Democratic candidate? Next you’ll be saying that Bush’s neo-con pals don’t like Obama either. Oh wait…

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #36 “You mean racist ”

    Yes, anyone who doesn’t like Omama’s policy positions is a racist. LOL

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Nice Jccalhoun, on how not to give an answer but a knee-jerk reaction.

    I bet you didn’t even read what he said.

    So how about disputing this quote:
    “America may desperately desire to close the book on the Bush presidency. Yet there is, as of now, no hard evidence it has embraced Obama, his ideology, or agenda. Indeed, his campaign testifies, by its policy shifts, that it is fully aware the nation is still resisting the idea of an Obama presidency.”

    Doesn’t this explain very well why Obama isn’t 20 points ahead? Why McCain may still win?

  8. MikeN says:

    #21, Why wouldn’t they give Karl Rove a job? They gave a job to James Carville, Paul Begala, Chris Matthews, and gave very prominent roles to Tim Russert and George Stephanopolous. Having Rove as a commentator doesn’t compare. The media can only claim they aren’t biased when they make guys like Rove head of the news division.

  9. jccalhoun says:

    “Yes, anyone who doesn’t like Omama’s policy positions is a racist. LOL”

    No, pretty much the opposite. Buchanan was a racist long before Obama was even born. A racist will find any reason not to like a black man. So yes it was a knee jerk reaction because anything Buchanan says about a black person is going to be negative because he is a racist. Even a broken clock is correct twice a day so Buchanan may be 100% right in this situation but that doesn’t mean that we should be at all surprised that Buchanan has something bad to say about a black Democrat.


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