John asks where are the friggin aliens? My guess is the aliens saw that Springsteen was in Philly and blew off the Alabama gig for the Obama gig.

  1. Jmessick says:

    You mean they aren’t just toy baloons?

  2. MagnusPatris says:

    That’s part of their plan, man! They look like toy balloons, but they are really super intelligent, hyper-dimentional beings. Save the Earth! If you see any balloons, especially if they are being carried by a child, pop them immediately! They may cry for a while, but they’ll thank you later.

  3. John Paradox says:

    Time to PhotoShop Obama into the old Weekly World News ‘Grays’ endorsement…..



  4. John Paradox says:

    # 2 MagnusPatris said,
    That’s part of their plan, man! They look like toy balloons,

    [somebody had to say it]
    I, for one, welcome our toy balloon masters!

    [back to our regular programming]


  5. Mark Derail says:


    (another reference)

  6. Brandon says:

    Maybe they just heard that Bruce would be playing “Does This Bus Stop At 82nd Street?” and figured it’d be worth their while.

    Or maybe they are actually the constellation Orion.

    Or maybe, Elvis returned to do a duet with the Boss.

  7. It was south Philly so they were kinda right.

  8. Uncle Patso says:

    Oh, great, just what we needed — yet another shaky, out-of-focus, grainy video with nothing else in the frame for movement reference.

    It was just a couple of stars and a satellite.

    Here! Look at the rest of this box! It contains a picture of the Abominable Snowman in a snowstorm!

    See it?

  9. amodedoma says:

    Hey, anybody that’s been a roadie knows that aliens show up for all the best concerts! The Boss in Philly – you bet that some ET’s gonna hitch a ride inside some pinhead for that. Next time you’re at a really great concert check the bleachers (they won’t hang out in front of the stage they can’t take the ‘contact’). Also they’re almost always among the first to arrive and the last to leave.

  10. T'Pau says:

    The Galactic Federation does not, I repeat, does NOT, endorse any of the candidates. The Federations follows a strict Prime Directive of non-intervention in primitive societies.

  11. green says:

    The military builds the “ships” and with the help of hollywood can ask for money to build more ships.

  12. Special Ed says:

    The aliens are bootlegging concerts and posting them to the Internet just to piss off the RIAA. There were more than a few craft present because they were recording in 5.1.

  13. Matt says:

    They were just Iridium Flares. See

  14. /T. says:

    @ #14 Matt.

    Iridium Flares? Nope.

    IF’s are very _short_ flashes of sunlight reflected off the solar panels of Iridium satellites. While predictable, you have to be in very specific places at very specific times.

  15. Li says:

    Those are far to coordinated to be balloons; cables are only stiff in one direction, and bars would be far to heavy at that altitude to keep that fixed triangle shape. My theory; some sort of high powered focused white light from the ground.

    Or, hell, it could be ET in some fancy lightships. I suppose the U in UFO stands for unidentified, so it would be speculation to say.

  16. Buzz says:

    What do any three spots form?


    A perfect equilateral triangle in perspective?

  17. Buzz says:

    That didn’t work. I spread them out before posting. The blog engine tossed them all to the left. Ah, well…

  18. PR says:

    if you go to you will find juno is the hoaxer! It is a real video of the same time the ufos supposidly appears and no ones looks up or shocked! In this video I believe THEE ONLY guy dressed in long sleeve blue and red shirt looking up is the hoaxer. The fact that juno did not say hey look at this or anyone else freaked out shows its a hoax, even people around that heard the ufo talk would have looked up and recorded with cell phones. Why he be the only one? And a dramatic chipmunk as a favorite shows the humor involed in their hoax! It’s all a complete hoax! We need to debunk all these dang hoaxers and get to the bottom on ufology! Peace out.


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