Jamie Lynn Spears is pregnant with her second child at the age of 17- according to the National Enquirer.
The sister of Britney Spears and star of Zoey 101 gave birth to her daughter Maddie Briann just three months ago after surprising the world with a teenage pregnancy.
Now it’s claimed she is two months gone with a second child after mistakenly believing she couldn’t get pregnant whilst breast feeding.
The report says the Spears pushy matriarch Lynne went crazy when she heard the news and along with friends is telling her daughter to have a termination.
This is what happens when your home schooled at the trailer park. I apologize in advance for posting this… I couldn’t resist.
Now that you’re all done arguing about hicks, breastfeeding does delay the return of ovulation. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactational_amenorrhea_method)
However, if you want to rely on it as birth control, I think you have to pay more attention than this girl probably did.
So what.
A vagina is more fun than a circus though.
I’ve yet to hear either candidate address the population problem.
It’s actually a pretty commonly held belief that you cannot get pregnant while breast feeding and it is actually factually correct that it is more difficult to get pregnant while breast feeding. But as the midwife said to my wife and I, it is the least reliable contraception in the world. Like a condom with a hole in it.
Parents should be taxed for each child produced, under the theory that each child uses/benifits from the services and resources the government provides (at taxpayer expense).
Dear McCullough,
Trailer trash also use the word “your” instead of the proper grammar “you’re”, when they mean “you are”. But I don’t expect uneducated people to know this.
I think Jamie is quite correct in her belief. Most men I know would not have sex with a woman while she was breast feeding. Most would wait until she put the baby down. Course, at this age, the hormones are roaring.
Wow… You guys care about this…
#9, peehead,
#4 She’s voting Obama.
I guess that proves she does have some inelligence.
#10, ubiquitous,
Thank you for pointing that out. It is a common misconception. Of course, even the potential requires that she does in fact breast feed. Not breast feeding often results in an increased fertility potential.
#12, Zyth
What do you expect from a family of talentless sluts?
I don’t know. I see that at least one of your family is capable of getting on the internet. Are you the exception or par for the course in your family.
#14, Angel,
Ya, well now ya got some competition.
#20, OldGuy,
… talentless whore, yes, …
Hhmmm, she starred in two TV shows for several years. She isn’t that bad an actor. On her first TV show she did sing and dance some. Her older sister does have a good voice and can dance. So talentless no.
If this were a guy would you also be calling him a “whore”? Where I come from it has always taken two to start a family. Geeze, around here teen pregnancy, especially around the religious crowd, is not uncommon. Yet I don’t think of any of the girls as “whores”. Geeze do I hate that word.
Maybe if we had similar words apply to men. Something like, “james hill” could double for “whore”. For “sluts” we could call them “mccains”.
#23, McCullough
… some real backwoods rednecks in the north too … Indiana?
Testify brother, we hear ya !!! Oh ya !!!
#37, Palin,
Parents should be taxed for each child produced, …
I like to think of children as an investment in our future. Especially when if they don’t pick your nursing home, they might be staffing it.
#38, Digby,
Trailer trash also use the word “your” instead of the proper grammar “you’re”, …
Not quite. I have seen PhDs screw that up. As well as physicians, accountants, politicians, and school teachers. I have also seen non college adults always get it correct.
Include they’re, there, their; to, too, two; principle and principal; and many homonyms. While they can be irritating,
#41, OFTLO,
Ya, it’s a slow day.