1. JimD says:

    IDIOT !!! And of course, it’s on a BEER BELLY !!!

  2. Stephanie says:

    Sad but true, this guy could probably run a financial firm better than the guys we are bailing out…

  3. Ivor Biggun says:

    I think the Dvorak.org editors are scared to death if they post anything at all about Obama they will be labeled as racists. Notice that NOTHING bad has been said about Obama here? Notice that there is NO making fun of Obama here? Only trashy posts about McCain and Palin show up. There are precious few posts about Biden here also. I wonder who these eds are gonna vote for? Hmm….that’s a toughie….

  4. ubiquitous talking head says:

    I wonder who these eds are gonna vote for? Hmm….that’s a toughie….

    I wonder who Iwanna Biggun is gonna vote for?

    Hmmm… that’s a toughie.

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    #4: There just isn’t that much out there about Obama, while McCain has a long track record and Palin is, well, Palin. Far, far more to choose from.

  6. Ivor Biggun says:

    There is PLENTY out there about Obama

    Bill Ayers
    Tony Rezko
    Reverend Wright
    His crappy record in the Ill. House (how many times did he vote “present”???)
    Plus the fact that he has accomplished nothing in his life except for being black and electable.

    Hannah Montana has accomplished more in her life than Obama and she’s only 15!

  7. Hugh Ripper says:

    Do people really respond positively to being referred to, in a political debate, as a ‘Joe Sixpack’? Surely if you walked up to a guy on a building site and ‘Hey Joe, what you doing with that sixpack in your hand’ youd get your lights punched out.

    #6 anyone who thinks the Democrats are Marxists has a screw loose or is further to the right than Genghis Kahn.

  8. #8 – Igor

    >>There is PLENTY out there about Obama

    You’re scrabbling at the bottom of the barrel there, son. If that’s the worst you can come up with on Obama, you might as well stay home on election day.

    As to Hannah Montana, yeah man! If she weren’t jail bait, I would really have enjoyed those T&A pics, which seem to be her crowning achievment. Unless you consider her “music” to be an achievement. Haw!!

  9. Peter_m says:

    #4, maybe Palin and McCain are just more generous with their material. Ever listen to what comes out of George W Bush’s mouth? Someone at the Late show with David letterman did notice and listened… and came up with a special segment just for GW… GW is generous that way! Just a coincidence that Palin and McCain are cut from the same cloth.

  10. Peter_m says:

    LOL at my own post in #11. Too funny!


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