• AMD looking good after describing new business model.
  • Mammal kill-off story keeps coming.
  • Woz says it’s the end of the road for the iPOD.
  • Solar panel company collects $600M funding.
  • Hulu streaming the debates live.
  • TC3 Asteroid about to pound N. Africa.
  • Microsoft pledges 1.5M for games research.
  • Tivo wins Dish network lawsuit.
  • Google goggles prevent drunk emailing.

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  1. Buzz says:

    Eventually it’s the end of anything you can speak of as a noun. What happens when the iPod evolves into the thing in your pocket that coordinates the media display in your retina?

    Does that not qualify as the “end of today’s iPod” or just the logical end of the satus quo?

    Here’s another hot flash: The end of this blog, Woz and myself are all assured.

  2. Balbas says:

    Someone pointed out when the film “Deep Impact” was in the theatres that if something as big as in the film was flying past, the brightness of it would have blinded everyone who looked.

    I suggest welding goggles.

  3. Floyd says:

    I have a 4 year old iPod. I still use it–great for road trips if you have a transmitter to play your iPod on the car radio. I hope iPods are still for sale when my old one wears out.

  4. SN says:

    Woz says it’s the end of the road for the iPOD.

    The iPod has run its course because there is nothing new Apple can add to it. It already does music. It already does video.

    The next generation will be iPhone type devices that will also play games and allow you to surf the net. So the iPod is not really dead, it’s just evolved into something different.

    Tivo wins Dish network lawsuit.

    John was sort of confused about this storying saying that this has been going back and forth for a while. the reason it is news now is because the US Supreme Court has refused to hear Dish’s appeal, thus, the case is in fact over and Dish does in fact have to pay. And now with a solid ruling in place on Tivo’s DVR patent, it can start suing other DVR manufactures.

  5. ClayRey says:

    The iPod was not the first digital music player to hit the market, but it has become the most popular because of is look, its ease of use, its capacity to hold a LOT of Music, and it battery longevity. Not only has Apple made a great device to store/play music, video, and surf the web, but they created a whole new market (iTunes) to sell digital music to support its own product. If You ask me the only thing that might compare to the iPod is Microsoft’s Zune. Beside having an odd name, Microsoft does not have the support of a music store to market in conjunction with the Zune. Thus MS will never really be that big of a threat to the iPod unless MS can come up with a way to market music and now applications with the ZUne.

    So, Apple did a great job in developing a good product the does more and more functions. I think the the iPod Classic day’s are numbered simply because the technology for the touch and iPhone allow us to do so much more beside music and video. I think if Apple is able to continue to evolve its product and keep its market unique then it will continue to be strong.

  6. Todd Peterson says:

    Every mammal is doomed – it is called evolution. You’ll see the effect of it if you look out of your window – no dinosaurs!

  7. amodedoma says:

    I had a love hate relationship with my Ipod. Till I tried Rockbox open source jukebox firmware. Then I discovered that I loved my Ipod, I just hated itunes.

  8. moss says:

    The TiVo-DISH suit was never going “back-and-forth. TiVo won every stage, DISH appealed each.

    DISH reneged on an original agreement for hardware and software, was caught copying parts of the software. A truly blatant attempt.

    Now they have to pay.

  9. #10 – ‘dro

    >>mac might have the market, but the oy!pod is an
    >>awful device.

    What do you recommend then? Or do you just hate everything?


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