Damn, this election sure is fun!

  1. Carcarius says:


  2. bob says:

    LoL, that was fun!
    Love the intro song too.

  3. Jeff says:

    OK,I’m a McCain supporter but even I’ll admit that that was damn funny.

  4. Carcarius says:

    Does anyone know why McCain’s wife always wears red? If there is a reason I never heard it.

  5. troublemaker says:

    Lame… really lame… really, REALLY lame.

  6. hhopper says:

    Hey, was that lame?

  7. Jim W. says:

    dvorak.org/blog brings you a Funny or Die video made by Secrectsauce.tv

    Are we trying to bring back webrings or something? 😉

  8. hah hah says:

    hah hah

    [hah hah – ed.]

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    Clever and well thought through.

  10. QB says:

    Saying lame three times is lame.

  11. hhopper says:

    Saying lame three times is lame is lame.

    (sorry, I couldn’t resist.)


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