Pope Benedict XVI on has reaffirmed the Catholic Church’s condemnation of artificial birth control, a position that has driven millions of people away from the faith.

Contraception “means negating the intimate truth of conjugal love, with which the divine gift (of life) is communicated,” the leader of the world’s 1.1 billion Roman Catholics wrote on the 40th anniversary of a papal encyclical on the controversial topic.

The message came two months after an appeal for a retraction by some 60 Catholic groups who said the Church’s stance had been “catastrophic” for the world’s poorest and weakest.

The open letter in July by dissident Catholic bodies from countries including Britain, Brazil, Canada, France and the United States said the Church’s opposition to birth control endangered women’s lives and exposed millions of people to the risk of contracting AIDS.

It said the impact of the 1968 encyclical had been “disastrous in the southern hemisphere, where the Catholic leadership exercises considerable influence on the politics of family planning.”

When populations learn about contraception and realize the essential effect on family economics, birth control is adopted generally – and formerly loyal followers begin to question priests who still have a poker up their backside over the issue.

  1. Calin says:

    The pope knows all about contraception. I mean, could you get laid in that outfit? I don’t think so. The ultimate contraceptive is looking like that.

  2. jealousmonk says:


  3. LinusVP says:

    Hey…it’s their call. If you don’t like it there’s plenty of alternative Christian churches that are fine with contraception.

  4. chuck says:

    If the Pope doesn’t want to use contraception, that’s his choice. What are the odds that one of the altar boys gets pregnant?

  5. badtimes says:

    A friend’s uncle once said “The Pope don’t play the game, he don’t get to make the rules.”

  6. billabong says:

    How about this headline”Pope says He’s against orgasm because it makes sex to much fun”.

  7. cg says:

    Conjugal love,,, a wonderful name for whoring around

  8. dvorakfan99999 says:

    Right on, Calin.
    That outfit, with the two grown, balding men holding up his train, has to be one of the most silly and ridiculous images of the pope I have ever seen. I hope most of the world sees this photo; maybe seeing how stupid the whole pope thing is might smarten up some of its sheep — but I doubt it.

  9. Breetai says:

    Heh…. So much for Darwin’s survival of the fittest. The stupid and ignorant will always out breed those smart enough not to have kids when they’re not ready for it.

    Feminists hate it when I rub that in their face and point out their cause is destined to be doomed.

  10. Calin says:

    Wanna piss off a feminist? Call her a cumcatcher

    —George Carlin R.I.P.

  11. Dallas says:

    Very impressed how Project Runway managed to convert old drapery into this wonderful outfit.
    Kudos that the Vatican still uses gay designers.
    The shoes, however don’t quite match and his pants length is on the flood’n side.

  12. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I like the hat. Wonder if I can get one for the office?

  13. JimD says:

    #14 Eric, well they are ALL IN THE THEATER, only the Catholics take IT ENTIRELY TOO SERIOUSLY !!!

    #12 Dallas, he is STILL WEARING THE RED SHOES !!! Wonder if he has only one pair ? Cause the outfit is a natural for GOLDEN SLIPPERS !!!

  14. Mister Ketchup says:

    How about those red shoes?! They get nuns pregnant by dressing them as altar boys.

  15. Pape says:

    I wonder how the countries that limit births like this… or i guess they just avoid being catholic?

    and i love that ‘post hole digger’ hat!

  16. Montanaguy says:

    Wasn’t Jesus opposed to idolatry? The vatican is one vast obscene spectacle of worldly wealth. And at its helm…this gilded mannequin. Very spiritual, very contemplative.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #18, Montanaguy,

    Ah, c’mon, aren’t you the least bit aroused by that outfit?

  18. Dallas says:

    I have not see an outfit that fascinating since The Wizard of Oz. He sure blows away what Glenda the good witch was wearing.

  19. Jägermeister says:

    Who the heck would be able to have sex after this?

    #3 – LinusVP – If you don’t like it there’s plenty of alternative Christian churches that are fine with contraception.

    Or flush religion and live life the way you want to live it.

  20. LinusVP says:

    Couldn’t agree more on the silly outfits!

    21 Jag. No need to flush religion to live life the way I want. I’m really happy with life as is. (pesky religion and all)

  21. bobbo says:

    #22–linus==you say: “No need to flush religion to live life the way I want.” /// How do you handle having different views than your religion?

    The Pope will tell you that if you believe in contraception you are not a Catholic. No room for disagreement with God’s representative on earth. Don’t actually know if contraception is not one of those base tenents or if you can repent everytime you think for yourself.

    Now, if your church actually doesn’t believe in anything except your donations, then Amen!

    Otherwise, it is relevant to note that formal religion stays alive through the hypocrisy of the rank and file==in the congregation as well as the leadership.

    Its a saving grace.

  22. deowll says:

    Do the members of his church even pay attention to what he says on this topic?

    If they do they may be the last of Christians left before the Mullahs kill the rest of the West off.

  23. hah hah says:

    What does he have to worry about? Little boys can’t get pregnant.

  24. The Commodore says:

    Hey, #5 post, let’s think about this. Do the players always make the rules? While this makes sense on a certain level, in reality the rule makers are generally NOT the players. If they were, game play would get chaotic and the game would only end when the players got sick of playing. If the players made the rules, the soliders would eventually come home and send the old men out to war. There’s a reason why we’re better off having the old ruling the young.

  25. amodedoma says:

    This pope really scares me. I have yet to see a photo or video of this guy where his eyes show the love he should have in his heart. With John Paul you could see he had love for his world, with the ‘Rat’ all I see is fear and ambition. I guess religous leaders are no different from political leaders. That the pope is against contraception is no big surprise. What is disappointing is like when a 12 y.o. girl in some 3rd world country gets pregnant through rape and the pope won’t make an exception to the dogma so she can abort.

  26. Improbus says:

    Christ would have thrown this guy and his team out of the temple.

  27. Stephanie says:


    It isn’t about ones relationship with the pope, it is about ones relationship with God. I imagine (as millions do) that just because there is a representative “making the rules” doesn’t mean that he trumps ones own feelings about God.

    The pope isn’t really relative anymore and hasn’t been for a long time. Maybe that is shifting the Catholic Church slowly rather than some crazy uprising.


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