Coffee A Health Drink? Can we make up our minds about coffee once and for all? One minute it will kill you, the next minute coffee is god. Geez.

Could your daily coffee fix actually be doing you some good? A study funded by the cocoa industry suggests it might, showing that the beverage is a significant source of antioxidants, which can protect the body from cancer.

The research, funded by the American Cocoa Research Institute, says coffee drinkers appear to have higher levels of antioxidants than those who don%u2019t drink the beverage. The findings were presented as a weekend conference of the American Chemical Society in Washington, DC.

  1. Steven says:

    A link to a coffee even more healthy and just as good…I am very particular about my coffee, but this stuff is good. Check out the health benefits!

  2. Improbus says:

    Yay! Now I never have to give up my coffee. It’s good for me!

  3. gyro says:

    The Italians have been enjoying a diet of expresso, red wine, and passionate women for years, and there are a lot of very old Italians. And then there’s the pasta.


  4. Peter says:

    Well, everything in moderation, as they say. Antioxidants *are* good, but they are in pretty much all plants — but caffine is bad for you. (Tea leaves were found to have the same effects, as well.)

    So, eat your veggies and you’d okay, too.

  5. Smith says:

    Great news! So now I can use my 12-cup a day fix as a health off-set for being overweight and lazy.

  6. Boris says:

    Caffeine is bad for you? Please provide evidence for this claim.

  7. MEH says:

    Green tea .. All the way!

  8. jessie says:

    Javafit – now that’s my healthy coffee!


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