Tales from the Weird: Feds Say Inmates Communicated Via Toilet Bowl

Co-defendants in a drug case emptied toilet bowls in their Federal Detention Center cells and yelled to each other through the drainpipes about killing witnesses who might testify against them, prosecutors said.

What Dawud Bey and those he communicated with didn’t know was that the FBI was also listening, via wiretaps in and around their cells, Assistant U.S. Attorney Mark J. Ehlers said Thursday.

So there really IS a “Ralph!”

  1. Jim Dermitt says:

    Dept. of Bullshit
    As oil prices soar, cow manure is getting more attention as an alternative fuel source, which seems weird too. Five million head of cattle produce a billion pounds of manure. You got to do something with it. Maybe this will be the way prisons are heated in the winter time.

  2. JerkyChew says:

    The toilet thing was old news, I thought. I saw a Diane Sawyer special on prisons a few months ago where the inmates talked about communicating via toilet bowls.


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