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580 CFRA – News Talk Radio — Here is great news for Americans. Meanwhile where is Bin Laden?

A top U-S Army General says the military is preparing for four more years of service in Iraq.

General Peter Schoomaker says the current level of 100-thousand U-S troops may be needed in the country through 2009.

Schoomaker said the army is prepared for the “worst case” in terms of the required level of troops in Iraq.

  1. Lindsay says:

    Its accepted wisdom (though not necessarily true) that the US won the cold war by spending the USSR into bankruptcy.

    Have you considered you’re about to do the same to yourselves ?

  2. Miguel Lopes says:

    Don’t worry about Bin Laden. Soon there’ll be many more like him… But that’s what your government wants, right?

  3. Jim Dermitt says:

    It’s like putting out the fire with gasoline and we are paying for the gasoline.

  4. Dave M. says:

    We may have won the cold war, but we will *NOT* win the War on Terror! For every dollar a terrorist spends to spread terror, we spend $100,000 trying to find and arrest/kill him/her.

    This is truly a lost cause. Plus, we are not even fighting terrorism in Iraq. We are fighting to prevent a civil war that we helped create!

    Argh, any votes for Bush being the worst Pres. we have ever had?

  5. ~ says:

    It seems when the US couldn’t win the “war on drugs” they’ve been fighting since, forever, they went out to find a more expensive, higher profile and futile war to go and fight. I genuinely feel bad for everyone in the situation, from the soldiers on the front lines to the US public paying for it, and the Iraquis having to deal with it.

    Quagmire almost seems inadequte a word.

  6. Adam says:

    Iraq is my generation’s Vietnam.. Let’s just cut our losses and get the hell out of there. Oh wait, that’s right, we never learn from histroy.


  7. Rob D says:

    You people are clueless. Stick to tech news.

  8. Jim Dermitt says:

    AP is reporting that a GOP Senator says Iraq looking like Vietnam.
    Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel was on ABC This Week. Once the smart and wise men of the GOP start facing reality, it should start more questions about what the hell is really going. Look forward to more jokes about it from President Bush. People are killed and all you got from Bush was a cheap one liner he thought was funny with him looking for weapons under his desk. The plan for Iraq is to have Cheney buy it and move it to Wyoming.

  9. Mike Voice says:

    what part of “prepar[ing] for the worst case” don’t y’all understand?

    The part where what’s going on now isn’t already the worst case, and that things could get muchworse.

  10. Sounds the Alarm says:

    Rob D – Great post. The BLOG equivilant of “Yo Momma” right?

    I bet they pay you big bucks at the fryolator at the local DQ.

  11. Sounds the Alarm says:

    Insurgancies exist because ultimatly there is popular support for the insurgancy. The Sunnis are the support base.

    Give the Kurds the oil rich north – give the Shiites the oil rich south and let the sunnis have the shitty middle. Give lots of guns to the shiites, give the same amount to the Kurds and let the Sunnis get their collective asses kicked. They were the big Sadam supporters. The Sunnis ran the “rape” room and did all the mass killings. It solves our problem and gives us a way out.

  12. Teyecoon says:

    Quote: “Argh, any votes for Bush being the worst Pres. we have ever had?”

    If there is any doubt, it’s because you don’t want to admit that you were/are dumb enough to vote for him.

    Hey, there is one thing this country doesn’t lack and that is ignorant optimism. We are master’s at selective hearing and understanding to maintain our own local happiness while casting off irresponsibility to fate and/or God. This is our inpenetrable defense.

    Quote: “You people are clueless. Stick to tech news.”

    You are clueless. Stick to only tech sites for only tech news.

    Lest you people forgot, we now need Iraq as a base of operations to deal with Iran. This alone is reason to “hang-around” in Iraq even if things weren’t going so bad. Thus, if you’re in the military now…you’re SOL for hoping to leave there any time soon. We are likely to start our own Baghdadalo to match our base in another country (Cuba) that would probably rather not have us there.

  13. UrbanSage says:

    Americans bashing americans, Im taking it all in since who knows when it will happen next time!

  14. Sounds the Alarm says:

    Teyecoon ,

    I take it you’re going to be leading the troops yourself?

    I have a suggestion for dealing with Iran. How about letting then deal with their own shit? I missed them asking us to “help”.

    I like people like you – Its nice to to have a poster child come forth as a self selected example of the extreme left hand end of the bell curve of ability.

  15. Teyecoon says:


    You make no sense with your ramblings…”leading the troops yourself”?…wth are you referring to in my statement?

    “How about letting then (them) deal with their own shit?”…again, this makes no sense to any point I brought up. If your clueless (which you obviously are), I’m referring to America’s concern that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. Having them “deal with their own shit” is exactly what they are doing and exactly what the American gov’t is concerned about which means they’ll want a base from which to attack Iran thus they will want to stay in Iraq.

    “I missed them asking us to “help””.
    Your obviously missing quite a bit more here. As a result, I’ll ignore the rest of your nonsensical ramblings and attempts to insult. Other posts I’ve read of yours at least make some sense so I’ll just assume you smoked something before posting this one or are severely sleep deprived.

  16. Sounds the Alarm says:


    Lets say that Europe decides that our nuclear program is not to their taste. I suppose according to your rules we just let them come on it and change anything they want because they consider what ever we’re doing, regardless if its Nucs of cheddar cheese, to be not in their interests?

    If right now an outside party tried to impose their vision of what the US should be on us, how many of the rabid anti-duhbya people (like me) would suddenly get behind him. I would because the only thing more distasteful than duhbya, would be the French, or Russians, or N.Koreans, or Space Aliens, (take your non-US pick), trying to tell US Americans how to run our own country.

    Did you ever consider that we owe the rest of the world the same respect? The nuclear gene is out and one of the big reasons why countries like Iran want nukes is their perception that US policy treats nuclear powers differently that non-nuclear powers. Surely you have noticed this? Consider North Korea and Iraq; one we smack around and the other we “talk” to.

    At the time of the Iraq invasion, intel on N.Korea put them a little ahead of Iraq nuke wise. Little Kim was and is certainly more of a monster than Sadaam, not that Sadaam is much of a prize. Kim has killed millions of N.Koreans both actively and passively – many more of his own than Sadaam. Why then hit Iraq?

    Now I know that the duhbya response is that Sadaam supported al-Queida (sp). However there was no intel then our now where that was ever the case. According to Clark and others that were in the command bunker with Bush and Rumsfeld, BOTH were talking about targeting Iraq for the 9-11 attacks even though by then they had good info that al-Queida was behind it. Again I have to ask why.

    Now Iran. Consider if we took the tack that we talk to them before they have Nukes, like the Europeans are trying. A. it would give then the impression that we respect their national boundaries. Also if we backed off “do what we say” pressure, the reformist parties in Iran would have a chance to gain support and power. Currently the ruling clerics are USING the pressure we’re putting on Iran to rally support to the ruling religious – thus weakening the reformists. The current policy seems to only be encouraging them to go faster on getting nukes. Lets back off and see if that works.

    As to my comment about leading the troops yourself, as I read your comments, you’re advocating a very aggressive policy against Iran. I believe you want to use Iraq as a base of operations against Iran, “we now need Iraq as a base of operations to deal with Iran” was the quote. I take it you want to invade Iran next? Would you be willing to lead it, i.e. stand in the turret of the lead tank? Maybe send your kids to fight it? Its a legitimate question that should be asked of anyone who advocates such an aggressive stance as yours.

  17. Hal Jordan says:

    putting a missile into the pentagon and rigging the base of the WTC with explosives to make it appear that the planes demolished it – is a hell of a way to start a war. all this demand for pull out will not be heeded. wars and threats of wars are meant to be continuous, to keep the populace dependent on their government.

  18. Michael Lewis says:

    Lissen. If the Iraquis want to use their new democracy to establish an islamic republic I say: goforit. But then we don’t have to invade Iran since they already have one

  19. Teyecoon says:

    I guess I can understand how you might have misinterpreted my comments but I was simply portraying how the Bush Administration sees it and as a result, what we are likely to see happen. In fact, Bush caused this “nuclear threat” with Iran from his direct invasion of Iraq which I totally think was a crock. These two “neighbors” kept each other from being overwhelming dominators of the area and now Iran is unrestrained and will likely become a major nuclear power as they have to be concerned with how America overthrew Sudam’s regular military might so easily.

    In summary, I was a bit startled by your “attack” as I could have swore that we tended to share the same viewpoints and it seems that we still do and this was simply a misunderstanding but as I originally stated, backing off is not the way this administration is likely to proceed. Of course, they’ll probably use the Microsoft tactic and use a third party like Israel to attack their “enemy” so that their hands are clean of any direct offensive action.

    So, the answer is NO, I won’t be leading anyone into “Dumbya’s” personal mess nor do I support it! I see this as nothing more than political grandstanding and a complete departure from our supposed goal of weakening and deterring “terrorism”.


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