The majority of infertility patients are in favor of using leftover embryos for stem cell research and would also support selling left-over embryos to other couples…

Assisted reproductive technology has resulted in the creation and cryopreservation of extra embryos at fertility centers across the country. It was estimated in 2002 that 396,526 embryos were in storage at U.S. fertility clinics, according to previously published research. These embryos may be used for future pregnancy attempts, donated to other couples or agencies, given to researchers, or discarded.

Because infertility patients are the gatekeepers of these leftover embryos, it is important to understand their opinions, according to Dr. Tarun Jain, lead author of the study.

When asked if using leftover embryos for stem cell research should be allowed, 73 percent of the 636 respondents who stated a definitive opinion answered yes…

The researchers also asked infertility patients if they would be willing to sell their extra embryos to other couples, a practice that [presently] is considered ethically unacceptable. by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists…

When asked if selling leftover embryos to other couples should be allowed, 56 percent of the 588 respondents who stated a definitive opinion answered yes.

The authors say this is the first survey to examine the opinions of a general infertility population related to the use of leftover embryos and to analyze the results based on the patients’ sociodemographic and reproductive backgrounds.

If folks in infertility plans wish to defray costs by selling excess embryos, do you think they should have the right to make that choice.

  1. “If folks in infertility plans wish to defray costs by selling excess embryos, do you think they should have the right to make that choice.” – Yes if human trafficking is to be allowed in general…
    If the “owners” are humanitarian and are willing to give their potential children to needy for free, that should never be impeded. However, no selling of any human at any stage of development should ever be allowed.

  2. chuck says:

    As far as I know, selling your children is illegal (in this country). Even if you sell them to Madonna or Angelina Jolie. That’s why celebrities have to go Africa to buy their kids.

  3. George W. McCain says:

    God bless America. Protect those little embryonic voters instead of destroying them has been the existing practice.

    But, then, killing children is not a problem for #1 or #2.

  4. green says:

    If you cant procreate, you shouldn’t.


  5. Angel H. Wong says:


    But empowered women too busy with their careers to get knocked need a baby to soften their middle-aged sour bitch image!

    It worked for Palin you know..

  6. Self Appointed Genius says:

    #1, 2. So let me get this straight… You’d rather throw them in the trash than create incentives to put them to use?

    Did I miss something?

    This wouldn’t be about giving you a fetus in a jar to sell on eBay. It’s a “check here to receive a 10% discount and allow us to recycle your leftovers.”

  7. ubiquitous talking head says:

    This wouldn’t be about giving you a fetus in a jar to sell on eBay.

    No? What’s the difference?

    It’s a “check here to receive a 10% discount and allow us to recycle your leftovers.”

    So you’re equating a human being with a pot roast?

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, uth,

    So you’re equating a human being with a pot roast?

    No. more like excess inventory. “Make Room For Next Year’s Model”.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #1, dusan,

    However, no selling of any human at any stage of development should ever be allowed.

    It is ok to sell the procedure but not the product? Isn’t that, … un-American? Isn’t the idea that people can’t be sold, … a communist ideal?

  10. Mouring says:

    #1 & #2

    But it is all right to dump your sperm into a cup and sell it. Or have them remove eggs from your girlfriend and sell them as well (with her consent of course).

    Just when you mix the two together, and now it becomes trafficing?

    I have more issues with “genetic screening” to try and stop bad traites or increasing the chances for a boy or girl then this.

    – Ben

  11. bobbo says:

    Any good end should be encourage, ie paid for, and any bad end should be outlawed, ie impose religious doctrine.

    Embryo’s aren’t human beings and they aren’t babies.

    Ain’t capitalism and reality and freedom an insult to your values?

  12. MikeN says:

    Stem cell research has moved past needing embryos. They are able to use adult stem cells and reprogram them. But of course the issue was never about science, but was instead another front in abortion politics.

  13. bobbo says:

    #12–Mike==yes, there are some procedures that have been developed for the use of Adult Stemcells but there is not a single scientist that does not admit that there are some basic investigations for which embryonic stemcells are the only approach. That may change in a few more years, but thems the facts today.

    We are willing, some even anxious, to kill fully formed adult males for issues like national security or national pride, or for a good evening of sports, or to get coal out of the ground, or to save money on medicine, whats the deal with killing embryo’s? The don’t have any money, you can’t screw them, and they don’t vote. Case closed.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #12, Lyin’ Mike,

    Stem cell research has moved past needing embryos. They are able to use adult stem cells and reprogram them.

    Not yet. While they have created stem cells from adult cells, the process is very difficult and the results are uneven. Plus it is very expensive.

    But of course the issue was never about science, but was instead another front in abortion politics.

    You are very close to the truth on that. The same weird group opposing abortion also oppose stem cell research. The embryos are not and have never been implanted in a womb. They fail to meet any definition of abortion excepting the weirdest wackos.

    An embryo could be used to create a cure for some truly debilitating illness, or end up in the toilet. You chose.

  15. MikeN says:

    The corporations that got the money for themselves used the issue of abortion to play pro-choicers. And it worked, California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Missouri and others handed over money.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #15, Lyin’ Mike,

    How the hell do you make this stuff up? The only ones using ANY abortion argument are the “right to lifers” that want life to begin as soon as the sperm leaves the testes. The rest of the world sees that stem cell research is another potential tool to cure some of man-kind’s worst diseases.

  17. BigCarbonFoot says:

    The Soylent Company could probably make a good casserole out of them.


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