Now that the problem of terrorism has been solved, New York City turns to offering cooking advice to its restaurants.

NYC Tells Restaurants: Cut the Trans Fats

New York City wants its restaurants to trim the fat, trans fat that is.

The city’s health department urged all restaurants in the city Wednesday to stop serving food containing trans fats, according to a report in The New York Times.

While countries like Denmark and Canada have considered or imposed regulations on trans fat, government agencies in the U.S. have largely relied on the industry to police itself, the Times reported. Outside of New York, the only effort of note was a campaign in Tiburon, a small town in Marin County, Calif., that led to 18 local restaurants ending the use of trans fats, the report said.

According to the paper, the city plans to conduct another survey next year to determine the effectiveness of the campaign and will then assess what further steps might be needed.

“Further steps”?? Oh brother….

  1. R Taylor says:

    I am the first to admit I want the least amount of government. If you look at the economics though, unhealthy lifestyles has a greater negative effect on society than terrorism. Even in the US we have a form of socialized medicine. My high insurance premiums and medical bills helps pays for those that can’t afford it. I just don’t know how many more by pass surgeries I’m going to be able to help pay for.

  2. gquaglia says:

    Maybe they should worry about more important things. Reminds me of the runny eggs ban in NJ about 10 years ago. It didn’t last long.

  3. AB CD says:

    This is the same city that banned smoking in restaurants and bars, and went around ticketing shop owners if people were sitting on milk crates outside or their displays weren’t up to code, such as too big letters on their windows and signs. They also insisted on mandatory abortion training for all doctors.

  4. Jim Dermitt says:

    The next thing you know, the police will be doing blood tests to check on what you have been eating. Watch out for soup nazis New Yorkers. Yet another reason to have a stiff drink.

  5. mark says:

    Trans fat isn’t the only thing we should be worried about. The other half of the junky foods we eat are unhealthy because they contain sugar… from high fructose corn syrup, so we don’t get the right nutrients, as opposed to sugar from fruits ect. So why do we buy the junky food w/ high fructose corn syrup? Because it is cheap… and why is it cheap? Because the government subsidizes corn.

    Our tax dollars at work… delicious


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