The Marriott hotel in the centre of Islamabad has always been a major potential target for militants. For a long time it was the Pakistan capital’s only luxury hotel and it remains the favoured haunt of the city’s westernised elite. Only a few hundred metres from the National Assembly, opposite a compound of official residences for ministers, next to the new offices for Pakistan state television, an attack on the Marriott is an strike to the heart of the Pakistani state and the establishment elite of the 173 million strong nation.
And along with power, the Marriott symbolises something else for the ultra-conservative Islamic lobbies: Westernisation and its concomitant “moral decadence”. The swimming pool where expats swam in bikinis, the sports bar in the basement where alcohol was served, the lurid stories of debauch that circulated, all contributed to making the Marriott a target of choice.
So did the political situation. Two major elements have come together. First, the accession of a new president, Benazir Bhutto’s widower Asif Ali Zardari, who is known to be relatively pro-Western and spoke yesterday about his determination to stand together with the international community in the fight against terrorism. Secondly, a sudden uptick in activity in the violence-wracked tribal agencies along the frontier with Afghanistan involving highly controversial raids into Pakistani territory…
The horror of the attack is likely to make it counterproductive for the militants. The recent history of Islamic radical violence shows us that strikes on such targets – such as in Amman, Jordan, in 2005 – drastically undercuts support for militants…discrediting the so-called “mujahideen”.Already polls show support for Osama bin Laden and Islamic militants among most Pakistanis is dropping. This attack will accelerate the trend. In the battle for hearts and minds that is at the heart of this struggle, the killing of hundreds of men, women and children celebrating the end of a day’s fast with their loved ones is a tragedy for all, a victory for no one.
Terrorizing, murdering civilians, regardless of delivery systems – never results in lasting power. That just never seems to sink in to the ideology of True Believers.
Poor people.
I soooooooo hate these pigs that are doing that.
We need to kill them all. Not to bring them to trial, not to arrest them, just kill them – without mercy.
A terrorist = A Nazi.
Death to Muslim terror.
Islam is the religious of peace (of shit).
Bravo monsters! Bravo!!!
Can we say “civil war”?
I don’t like George Bush. I think I’ll go down to the local pre-school and blow it up ’cause they let the little girls mix with the boys. Oh, and me and my buddies are going to establish a world wide theocracy while we’re at it.
And a bunch of evangelical Christians are more dangerous? Riiiiiiight.
#4 – I don’t think anyone said evangelical Christians are dangerous, they are just whacky and fun to watch.
#5 – Rosie O’Donnell on “The View:”
“Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America.”
I stand corrected, she said radical, not evangelical. Although, I’m not sure what a radical Christian is. Maybe Timothy McVeigh? He was plenty dangerous, if you believe he did it.
I thought Marriott was a non-smoking hotel?
One time I was going to this hotel with a former British police chief and security was looking under our car with mirrors, asking us our business, etc.
The cop said, “If I was a terrorist, I’d just drive in the exit.”
Only the entrance was guarded! The exit was completely open.
That was a couple of years ago and maybe they fixed that issue. Maybe not.
>> Jopa said,
>> I soooooooo hate these pigs.
We need to kill them all. Not to bring them to trial, not to arrest them, just kill them – without mercy
These very thoughts were probably in the mind of the terrorist just before he set off the bomb.
As for me. I believe in trials just to make sure we got the right guys.
#9, I agree you!
When you get a hotel you get THE MAN! Yeah, these guys are just all kinds of effective. Like those Dutch cartoons; we should bomb them with jokes about their retrograde, primitive, throwback, caveman outlooks.
Blowing yourself up. So easy a caveman can do it.
#9. You can’t have trials for these guys just like you can’t have a trial before a soldier shoots an enemy in battle. The individuals blowing the stuff up aren’t the issue. Now if you catch OBL. Sure he will be tried. And then he will be hanged/beheaded/shot.
Before you blame Islams and Muslims regarding this terrorist attacks. Keep in mind that no one has taken responsibility for it yet. And the whole media and common man in Pakistan believes its one of the US tricks to make the local public turn against the terrorism and help the US to strike the militants near the Pak Afghan border. It seems fishy that recently US started threatening Pakistan and now this explosion happens. More fishy is that Bush is the first one to offer “help” in investigating this terrorist attack. Hmm, sound more fishy to me. I wonder if Iran is right about calling USA, the “Big Satan”.
#13 – “Before you blame Islams and Muslims regarding this terrorist attacks. Keep in mind that no one has taken responsibility for it yet. ”
Vast majority of conflicts in the world are the result of Muslims who refuse to get along with their neighbors. Odds are strongly on the side of another practitioner of the Religion of Peace.
#9 – no, his last thoughts was I am doing a good thing since I am going to kill “non – believers” A.K.A – non muslims.
My thoughts are: if you are a terrorist that happily murder innocents, you should be hanged.
#13 – It was probably the Zionists who did this and if not the Zionists then they MUST be Jews and if not Jews then of course the Americans… you are soooo right.