The Raw Story | Exclusive: GOP talking points on Rove seek to discredit Wilson — this looks legit. I say that because these are the EXACT talking points I’ve been hearing. If you are unfamiliar with a talking point memo, they are designed by PR peope for a large group to use if a reporter asks questions. The idea is that if enough people say this over and over, then the media will say OK and report it as fact, whether true or not. This is almost a point-for-point list of points made by both Hannity and Limbaugh both of whom are becoming the most obvious White House conduits for the party line. The goal is that if everyone “stays on message” this will go away. Letting the memo get into the wild is never a good idea since it can then be dissected and debunked. Also the answers no longer work since a reporter can hold up such a memo and re-ask the question saying that all the person did was parrot the memo.

RAW STORY has obtained an exclusive copy of Republican talking points on Bush adviser Karl Rove’s leaking the name of a CIA agent to a reporter, circulated by the Republican National Committee to “D.C. Talkers” in Washington.

found by P. McEntee

  1. AB CD says:

    These should be available more often, since they get blast faxed to supporters in the media. I don’t see anything unusual in them, as the intelligence committee did say it was his wife that pushed him for the job, even while Wilson was for some reason denying it.

  2. Pat says:

    AB CD

    Well, it looks like you have also fallen for the “talking points”. The Senate Intelligence Committee has not held hearings on this yet and besides, most of the information is classified. Anything that came out in the hearing might end up being inadmissible in court. The three Senators that have spoken are speaking for themselves. What a sub-committee of the Senate Intelligence Committee discussed was the question of whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, not the outing of a CIA operative. Joe Wilson’s trip to Niger was a small portion of their investigation and definitely not the focus.

    What has come out is that the CIA was asked by Vice-President Cheney’s office and the National Security Office to verify the accuracy of a report about Iraq buying processed uranium. Now Cheney’s office is denying that they had anything to do with this.

    The Administration has been lying all along. I see no reason why they would quit now. Even if this blows over, it has tarnished the Republicans so badly that they could lose both houses next mid-term election.

  3. Lindsay says:

    Yawn … cue ABCD white house echo chamber ON

  4. Paul Stewart says:

    What did they say back in WWII, “Loose Lips Sink Ships.”

    I like your point, that “The idea is that if enough people say this over and over, then the media will say OK and report it as fact, whether true or not.” It is really unfortunate more people don’t get that, but it the same exact mentality the religious right uses for indoctrination, so I am not all that suprised.

    Gossip is as well nurished in that type of culture, which it seems is how the whole mess even began. Talking points just give this whole method a cheat sheet, usually it is more like the game of telephone.

    This probably won’t go away till just before the end of the Presidential Term when Karl Rove will just resign to make the last days in office less controversial, and the next GOP candidate seemingly unfetted.

    By then Karl Rove will have already trained his young apprentice in the ways of the Sith.

  5. Anthony says:

    Talk about a lame duck story.

  6. Richard Rollo says:

    With quiet but nonetheless rude noises, all the air went out of this
    whoopee cushion on Friday.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    Tee hee! Just as I predicted. Now Dumbya has changed his story to “he will fire anyone who has committed a crime” wrt the Rove/ Plame debacle

    Oh man. Has this guy no shame? From ducking his wartime responsibilities to lying about Iraq to cheating during the debate; and now he’s harboring traitors (as long as some slick Philadelphia lawyer can rig a hung jury for his trial).

    Sheesh. It makes me ashamed to be an American.

  8. Pat says:

    Mister Mustard

    Don’t be ashamed to be an American. It is permissible to be embarrassed by the actions of the idiots running the country, but don’t be ashamed to be an American!!!

    As bad as it may seem, at least Americans can throw out this regime in the next election. And you don’t need to worry about the Police knocking down your door at 2:00 AM to bust you as a Material Witness. Anything you read about the elections being manipulated is not true. And only real bad guys got picked up and held without charges. And the President does have the right to hold anyone forever without charge in spite of what the courts say.


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