caskets to go
Caskets to go?

Costco Begins Test Marketing Caskets. Apparently Costco wants to prove that it’s always stiff competition.

I wonder how the company plans to show off this new product? Next to the meat section? Or what? Maybe a headstone department would work.

What next? Kirkland Cemetary?? Low-low rates for Executive members!!

  1. T.C. Moore says:

    This is a great idea. Funeral products and services are insanely overpriced, as investigated on 60 minutes and other media outlets. Yet no one wants to compete. Meanwhile, there’s serious consolidation and cost-cutting inside the industry, yielding even more profits (which is fine).

    Finally someone from outside will bring price competition to a fairly standard product. Who cares about “personal service” in finding a casket, if you can get a really deluxe version for 1/3 the usual price. This is why I love shopping at Costco: I don’t have any decisions to make. “You can have any casket you like, as long as it’s this model, right here, next to the 5 gallon tub of mayonaise.”

    P.S. I’m assuming the writers on Six Feet Under didn’t make it _all_ up.

  2. Anonymous says:

    T.C. Moore hit the nail on the head. Funeral businesses really stick it to you. With the aging of the population, hopefully this becomes a trend.


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