
Boffins create zombie dogs | The Other Side | Breaking News 24/7 – (27-06-2005) — It’s not April Fool’s is it? Yuk!

SCIENTISTS have created eerie zombie dogs, reanimating the canines after several hours of clinical death in attempts to develop suspended animation for humans.
US scientists have succeeded in reviving the dogs after three hours of clinical death, paving the way for trials on humans within years.

Pittsburgh’s Safar Centre for Resuscitation Research has developed a technique in which subject’s veins are drained of blood and filled with an ice-cold salt solution.

The animals are considered scientifically dead, as they stop breathing and have no heartbeat or brain activity.

But three hours later, their blood is replaced and the zombie dogs are brought back to life with an electric shock.

discovered by P. McEntee

  1. Ima Fish says:

    I don’t see why this is a big story. Americans have been walking around like mindless zombies ever since Bush took office.

  2. Steve says:


  3. Ed Campbell says:

    Have a mellow holiday weekend John — and all the Uncensored Army. Please drive safely. It would be nice to have y’all around, next week.

  4. RonD says:

    Yeah, but will happen to a human being’s soul if this procedure is done? The body may return to life, but the soul may not return to the body. Without a soul the person may be a real sob. I have wondered the same thing about people who are cyrogenically frozen when they die, hoping to be reanimated in the future when a cure is found for their cause of death.

  5. Ed Campbell says:

    Uh, Ron. What’s a soul? Are we talking about some measurable, verifiable quantity of “something” — or just a definition that makes you feel good?

  6. RonD says:

    Ed, I believe we are made of two parts: carnal, which is our fleshly body, and spirit, which is our soul. And no, I doubt that there is any human method of measuring our soul. While we live, our soul and our body are connected. But while our fleshly body will perish, our soul is eternal. I believe that on death, our soul will either go to heaven or to hell. Once that happens, I just don’t think the soul will come back to the body if it is reanimated.

  7. Imafish says:

    Ed, our soul is the part of us that survives death. That’s exactly why we turn to zombies after being brought back from the dead. Only our bodies remain but our essence has left. That’s also why we eat body parts; we’re trying to get someone else’s soul to give us purpose.

  8. Miguel Lopes says:

    The soul is also lost as soon as you start working your way up the corporate ladder! You should observe these people with attention – it is clear they no longer have soul – and it may only return to them if for some reason they are humiliatingly fired because someone else in the same corporation fried their ass… So in the case of blacksuits, no difference would be made by suspending them for an indefinite time


  9. Meetsy says:

    it would be cool if they were ONLY using pitbulls for this experiment….

  10. Pat says:

    I was trying to think of something witty to say about Ed’s question when I read meetsy’s post. I am truly stumped. Good one meetsy.

    In seriousness, I do understand that surgeons have cooled bodies down prior to stopping their heart. This allows them to work on the heart without the body requiring artificial blood flow. I would think that this is more of state of suspended animation. But bringing them back from the dead?

    Maybe in 10 years there will be a movie about having saved dubya’s brain. The shrewd minds behind the idea want him to run again as President. They could try inserting it into another body only to find out that the body they found is a chronic masturbator. Of course this could be an historical / musical / comedy. Gee, I like it, think I’ll start on a manuscript.

  11. allan says:

    i think its gonna be just like the rest of our screwups, they are gonna creat something they wont be able to control just like all the other screw ups we make, make a desease but no cure lol i dont know but i dont think they should be playin god

  12. james says:

    i think that it wont be a big deal and you’ll still be the same person, think, when you at the hospital and get a shock back to life your the same person…


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