Programming Jobs Losing Luster in U.S. –

As an eager freshman in the fall of 2001, Andrew Mo’s career trajectory seemed preordained: He’d learn C and Java languages while earning a computer science degree at Stanford University, then land a Silicon Valley technology job.

The 22-year-old Shanghai native graduated this month with a major in computer science and a minor in economics. But he no longer plans to write code for a living, or even work at a tech company.

Mo begins work in the fall as a management consultant with The Boston Consulting Group, helping to lead projects at multinational companies.

found by Maddog Mike who adds:

This is quite a scoop!
In the article, the focus is on Mr. Mom (wasn’t that a movie?), a 22 year-old Chinese (recently from Shanghai) Stanford CS grad! He’s whining about the very problem he, by his presence, creates yet no irony noted, even by the writer.

Even more absurd, he can’t find a programming job but lands a job at BSG “helping to lead projects at multinational companies” I can’t wait to be the victim of these “projects” led by an software kid with no experience. The writer only mentions outsourcing as the reason for young Mr. Mom’s troubles. Of course, no mention of the enormous H1B/L1 hordes right here in the US taking jobs. They also cite a 16% job loss in programming jobs in the past few years. They are obviously counting the programmer visa holders to get this rosy figure.

I think both the writer and Maddog miss the real point here. Why is our government and industry pushing more MORE H1B’s in this environmnet?

  1. Ima Fish says:

    “Why is our government and industry pushing more MORE H1B’s in this environment?”

    You know the answer to that question. Business wants depressed wages to get cheap labor. Thus, the government is more than happy to help.

    The better question is why citizens allow such a “push” in the first place. When are citizens going to get pissed because good paying jobs are a thing of the past? And more importantly, will it be too late to do anything about?

  2. AB CD says:

    If we don’t have the H1Bs, won’t the jobs just go overseas? These companies are already opening shops up in India, Russia, Ireland, and even China. Won’t they keep doing that if they can’t get the workers here?

  3. gyro says:

    The reason this kind of crap continues to happen is simply that Americans don’t get out and vote. If we had a 75% average voter turnout instead of a 30% turnout, my guess is that politicians would pay a lot more attention. If a politician knew he or she was risking the wrath of 75% of his constituents who are pissed off, maybe his or her vote would go a different way? I doesn’t cost anything to vote. Why don’t more people make an effort to get to the polls on a regular basis?


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