Ananova – Parents jailed over fairytale row — This is a good one. While I think parental censorship is a good thing, this one is kind of ridiculous. That said why should the government be so nuts about it.
A German court has jailed two parents who refused to allow their child to go on a school trip to see a theatre production of a fairytale.
The parents claimed the children’s play of the Brothers Grimm’s King Thrushbeardthe was “a work of the devil”.
I. Fish
What I consider truly odd about this story is that the Church is supported by tax dollars in Germany. Thus, you’re obligated to pay, but if you believe too much, you’re sent to jail.
I’m also surprised the Right in the US has not been jumping all over this story. The Right loves to show how persecuted Christians allegedly are AND how antagonistic Europe is to religion. It’s a double-barreled story, but yet I’ve heard nothing about it in the States.
The issue wasn’t so much religion as the state’s requiring attendance. According to the article, they were jailed for keeping students away from a field trip, so presumably all parents would have been jailed in this fashion.
Wow. What is this world coming to?
Actually this has not gotten any following in any other country due to the fact that many conservative Christians live by the “If the reverend/preacher/pastor of the church I go to did not came with that idea then it’s either not worth following” motto.