Oh, and to kill kids too.

Mother shut boy in basement to protect him from pit bull / 12-year-old was killed by family dog; owner sees death as tragic accident but defends the breed as loving pets — This has been all over the news in the SF Bay area for over a week. Exactly why the woman has not been indicted for manslaughter is a mystery to me.

Hours before being mauled to death by the family pit bull, 12-year- old Nicholas Faibish had been told to stay in the basement separated from the dogs, said his distraught mother, Maureen Faibish, who called The Chronicle on Saturday, trying to make sense of what she called a “freak accident.”

“I put him down there, with a shovel on the door,” said Faibish, who had left the boy alone with the dogs on June 3 to run some errands. “He had a bunch of food. And I told him, ‘Stay down there until I come back.’ Typical Nicky, he wouldn’t listen to me.”

“It’s Nicky’s time to go,” she said. “When you’re born you’re destined to go and this was his time.”

After police were called to the family’s home the day of the attack, an officer shot and killed Ella when the dog prevented him from entering the apartment. Rex was captured in the backyard and taken to the animal shelter.

Ella and Rex II were “family dogs,” Faibish said. They spent most of their time inside the house, slept in bed with the children every night and woke Maureen Faibish up every morning by licking her face. Ella was trained to lick her makeup off and kiss her ear.

  1. Ima Fish says:

    What is the freaking deal with pets?! Why do some people love their pets more than people, heck, more than their own children?!?!

    I know people like this. They are utterly rational in every way except when it comes to their pets. It’s an insanity which seems to be growing.

  2. Jason says:

    Too bad it didn’t read…”an officer shot and killed the owner when the dog prevented him from entering the apartment.”

    Seriously though. I thought this stuff was limited to the Appalachian regions 🙁

  3. Miguel Lopes says:

    I have pets (cats), I don’t have kids, I love my pets, I’m not very rational regarding my pets (consider them part of my family), but I think if I had a kid and one of my beloved cats killed my kid, I’d torture that cat and boil him alive in oil for ours before setting him on fire and/or cutting him in little pieces and dumping the ashes somewhere far from home… And probably I’d get rid of all the others….

    *Maybe* the parents are insane?

  4. Pat says:

    Ima said it for me.

  5. andrew says:

    It is odd to me that she locked her child in the basement and not the dog.
    Aren’t priorities really out of whack when the dog gets the run of the house and the child is hidden in the basement.
    Some one call V.C. Andrews there is a new set of child abuse novels just waiting to be written.

  6. Chris Wundram says:

    Probably this woman had contracted some sort of brain parisite from the animal feces. This is what makes want to have her face licked by dogs. It probably completes the lifecycle of the parisite.

    To me this is the only thing that can really explain pet ownership.

  7. Lindsay says:

    Why do people love their pets more than people ? because pets are usually better people than people.

    My wife & I have 2 toy dogs and four cats – we made a commitment to them they’re always going before other people. If we have a child (unlikely) then we will of course accomdate the child first, but that doesn’t mean we abandon the animals ether, they’re our children too.

    Having said that, the women in question is a f**king idiot. Some breeds are more agressive and/or extremely powerful and should *always* be monitored around kids. And on what planet is it acceptable to lock your kids in the basement.

  8. Mike Voice says:

    She says:

    My kids got along great with (the dogs). We were never seeing any kind of violent tendencies.

    But she also says:

    I put him down there, with a shovel on the door‘’

    I’d like to whack her up-side the head with that same shovel. 🙁

  9. meetsy says:

    And, of course, yet again…the SF DA isn’t filing any manslaughter charges against the woman…..even though she admits: 1.) knew the dog was dangerous, hence why else put the kid in the dungeon with a shovel over the door….even with chips, a bagel and a soda? 2.) knew her son didn’t pay her any attention anyway…. 3.) was “his time to go”. Uhhhh, but expresses regret that the good girl dog had been shot by the cops. Not to mention the braniac Dad of the household had aquired these dogs for breeding purposed so he could make a quick buck (or more like $300-600 bucks a pup). And, why hasn’t HE been interviewed?
    So, now, if these dogs had killed anyone else…..it would have been manslaughter charges IMMEDIATELY. But, because these people are obvious morons….and it killed their own spawn….the DA figures “hey, we’re even”? I guess the DA cares more about lesbians killed by errant attorney owners, than kids killed by pets of moronic parents. I think SF needs a new DA…one with some BRAINS.

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    Evolution in action! And ppl still wonder why I don’t like Peta? I love animals, but I don’t “love” animals.

  11. Sarah Clark says:

    As a law student, I had the opportunity to watch the testimony of one of the officiers who responded to the scene. I feel fooled by the media. Faibish’s comments regarding the shovel on the door was completely taken out of context. The officer testified that the door was broken in that there was no doorknob and the shovel was used to close the door. Therefore, Nick was not locked in the basement as mentioned in the article. Wow!! Pretty bad journalism. He should have asked why a shovel on the door was necessary instead of assuming the worst. This was a HUGE part of why she was convicted. Kamala Harris’ office should have done a better job investigating this very important fact. Pretty bad. In light of this new information, I find it very sad that her name was dragged through the mud for a mistake in one article.


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