Birth control pills may affect how appealing a woman finds a man’s scent — potentially steering her toward a mate who is genetically similar to her, according to British researchers.
The sense of smell is thought to be important to mate-seeking animals and humans. Genes of the major histocompatability complex (MHC) play a role in a person’s odor, and people tend to be attracted to those with an MHC makeup that is dissimilar to their own.
This could have evolutionary significance, since genetic diversity in a couple increases the chances of having healthy children.
But in the new study, researchers found that after women began using birth control pills, their smell preferences tended to shift — making them more likely to find the scent of a genetically similar man “sexy…”
Har! This could lead to a TV series – say, “Brotherly Love” – as well as useful research.
Thanks, Helen
Well that explains a lot
as a side not. Ovulating women are attracted to men with facial hair.
#2, that explains even more
How do these people graduate college with degree’s in this crap much less get taken seriously? I just don’t get that.