Now you know why I always carry a camera. This has got to be the perfect gift for the Mac user. It’s Macadamia Nut oil if you are wondering.

  1. Steve says:

    I didn’t know that Mac nuts needed oiling.

    Guess that keeps them from blowing a gasket.

  2. site admin says:

    I heard that most of them indeed need oil…

  3. Phy says:

    So– to get oil from Mac nuts, ya just squeeeezzze them hard??

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    The usual stuff, the nuts are ground to a paste and some m achines squeeze them really hard and the oil will seep through the paste.

    I thought that the best gift for a mac user was a stolen music holder (see iPod)

  5. Ed Campbell says:

    Our small town Whole Foods is keeping up with you big city guys. We found the same product/same price on our Sunday morning grocery run into town, today. Never noticed it, before.

    You have a properly fey sense of humor, John.`

  6. Hal Jordan says:

    mac and nut how redundant!


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