A pregnant woman was crushed by this bus in The Bronx yesterday – but a superhuman effort by 30 strangers who lifted the vehicle off her body miraculously saved her baby before she died.

Donnette Sanz, 33, identified as an NYPD traffic agent, never got a chance to hold her 3-pound, 6-ounce son, who came into the world via emergency Cesarean section at nearby St. Barnabas Hospital.

She was pronounced dead shortly after his extraordinary birth. The child, named Sean Michael by Sanz’ sister, was in critical condition, but healthy and expected to live.

Within seconds, more than two dozen strangers – from a nearby park, the busy sidewalk and a construction site – had poured into the street to aid Sanz.

“Twenty of us started lifting up the bus – about 10 more came to help,” said hardhat Madalina Diaz, 42, of Ardsley. “We didn’t really communicate, we all just started lifting. We lifted it up and someone pulled her out.

Sanz was rushed into the St. Barnabas emergency room at 2:18 p.m. She survived the emergency delivery, and died at 4:22 p.m., a spokesman said.

The baby boy was named Sean Michael, said Sanz’s sister, Beverly.

Sad – but beautiful – tale.

  1. peter_m says:

    Sad, but beautiful. Well said!

  2. green says:

    When’s the movie out? Or what movie are they promoting?

  3. moss says:


  4. troublemaker says:

    NYPD traffic agent? Who cares?

  5. Jägermeister says:

    Shows that there are still people who care in this world.

  6. BubbaRay says:

    Shows what can happen when people who don’t even know each other all pull in the same direction. An amazing story, we don’t get enough good news.

    I wonder if the boy will ever find out about his mom. Tough decision to make.

  7. hhopper says:

    #4 – I hope the hell that you’re joking.

  8. MikeN says:

    Why the politically charged title? That was a fetus, not a baby.

  9. Tootsie says:


    Why the politically charged comment? It’s a baby, not a fetus.

  10. deowll says:

    People, ya did good. I’m proud of ya.

    I needed that story.

  11. peter_m says:

    Wow, some characters we have here posting on this sad story…

  12. fulanoche says:

    Hey irish, you’re packin’
    but not salutin’ the good guys?

  13. Billy Bob says:

    When they removed the bus, it was a collection of tissue. When they removed it from the womb, it was a baby. Clear now?

  14. Grimbo says:

    Unfortunately, some of the posting on here show the direction that this blog is taking.

    For a while it has seemed that JCD is trying to attract the lower end of society – it seems that he is succeeding. Well done, I hope the ad revenues are worth it.

  15. green says:

    morality in a blogs comment section?

    STFU nubs.

  16. Grimbo says:

    and then, as if by magic… the shop keeper appears!


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