The Big Apple is turning into Big Brother, civil liberties groups have warned in response to a new plan from New York city’s police chiefs to photograph every vehicle entering Manhattan and hold the details on a massive database…

As well as placing cameras at all tunnels and bridges into Manhattan, the 36-page plan, called Operation Sentinel, calls for a security ring to be erected at Ground Zero and for a 50-mile buffer zone around the city within which mobile units would search for nuclear or “dirty” bombs.

The plan to video the number plates of every vehicle would be applied to all points of entry into Manhattan, including the main Brooklyn-Battery, Holland, Lincoln and Midtown tunnels and Brooklyn, Manhattan and other bridges.

Will they count how many “sheep” enter the city every day?

  1. smartalix says:

    Anyone driving around in the tri-state area without an ez-pass (electronic toll tag) is an idiot or a luddite. Local cars with tags are already being tracked, and I don’t trust those damn tourists, anyway.

  2. it's just an expression says:

    Why don’t they put every vehicle through TSA screening everywhere they go, to the market, to the babysitter, checkpoints at every traffic light, etc. That will make us safe.

  3. tcc3 says:

    I wonder if you could make a “jammer” that blinds the cameras using IR. Most CCD cameras can see IR, but its not visible to humans.


  4. smartalix says:


    Shit, it’s bad enough dodging the truck line at the battery tunnel entrance every morning…

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    What is the point? If they are looking for expired tags then that means they will need to have cops and tow trucks at the end of the bridge to haul them away.

    If someone is bringing a WMD into Manhattan, even knowing what their license plate is won’t do much unless they know before hand. If they know before hand I guess the question would be why not stop them then?

    Searching for “dirty bombs” or nuclear devises will most likely turn up a lot more false positives than they will catch anything. Even if the terrorist heeded the measures, all a true terrorist would need to do is use a small boat or even a small, low flying plane. Most of the shipping containers coming into NY harbor still aren’t checked. Even if they are, they usually sit in the dock for a couple of days before being checked and could easily be set off by timer, opening the door, or remotely.

    There are a lot of other, more efficient measures that could be used to prevent another attack.

  6. Thermal Man says:

    #5 Fusion

    You make several good points raising the question are the cameras really there for the stated purpose. It appears to be just another in a long line of false security intrusions.

  7. MoparPower says:

    Just like in Stockholm and London this will sooner or later be used for some “tax”

  8. JimD says:

    Silly String sales ought to SPIKE !!!

  9. chuck says:

    One again the “security” experts have dreamed up a system which will work perfectly to track law-abiding citizens (who have legal, correct and clean license plates) and will fail completely to track criminals (or terrorists) who don’t care about stolen or mud-covered plates.

  10. the answer says:

    another reason 2 take the bus. Why drive in the city?

  11. #6 – Thermos Bottle

    You’re right. We’re going to become like the UK.

    Seems like a good time to consider moving to the Seychelles

  12. Ron Larson says:

    Are they also going to photograph every boat the lands on the island of Manhattan? There are others ways to get in to the city other than a car.

  13. Thermal Man says:

    #11 Mustard

    Looks like a good time to get out the paintball guns and have a little target practice.

  14. DaveW says:

    Um, pardon me since I’m from Southern California where we don’t have toll bridges and such (well, one), but don’t they already have cameras there to catch tollbooth runners?

    I can’t imagine why anyone would want to drive into Manhattan since, since there appears to be very good all hour transit service. I can imagine wanting to drive through Manhattan if traveling from New Jersey (a good place to leave) to Lawn Guyland.

  15. JimD says:


  16. deowll says:

    Now they need some OCR and match what they grab with a data base of stolen vehicles.

  17. Example of so frequently mentioned slippery slope. No one in NYC complained when Govt. abused EZPass system (paid by users for another purpose!) and installed a tracking system over city’s major highways “to help track traffic congestion” by scanning and matching EZPass numbers about every 1/2 mile. Everyone got sold… (who’s that TWIT who suggested that we should all be forced to have such tracking devices in our cars few weeks ago?). Now, when they have done the same but more widespread (not everyone has EZPass) and more obvious video scanning and recording license plates… there are newborn civil libs’ complaining. Intrusive technology must be fought and stopped at the first step. You let it roll for a convenience, it will soon slap you with this or that form of privacy abuse.

    @#14: Bridge cameras are from the old-fashioned times. Single flash operation IF the toll cheating have occurred, nothing for the innocent… (and on some bridges there are actually better preventive measures: ramps open to let you through after the toll is paid).

  18. Glenn E. says:

    Meanwhile only about ten percent of the shipping containers, dropped off at NYC harbor, ever gets inspected. Tracking all vehicles for nuclear materials, is an admission that they’ve got no control over what enters this country by land, sea or air. And perhaps little control of the domestic sources, either. So why don’t they put Geiger counters at the borders, harbors, and airports? By the time this stuff gets into some car trunk, it’s WAY TOO LATE!!! Photo tagging all the cars, could hurt tourism. But I guess it could scare the illegals from coming there. A side benefit?

  19. ECA says:

    and you think thats ALL they will be used for??
    I suggest its a first start on Cams, in the WHOLE USA…first with he Highways, then the Cities..Towns..and so forth.
    THEn the fun part..TRACKING for Wanted cars, then Non-insured cars..

    You see whats happening,
    And many of you see WHAT COULD be done.
    HEAVY security in the PORT cities, and DOCKS..
    YOU CANT protect from WHAT is already HERE!
    I DOUGHT they are running around with an UNLEADed/Leaded 100lb CONTAINER, if they ARE going to use radioactive materials.
    They DIDNt use Radioactive materials BEFORE..WHY NOW?? Is it so EASY to access in the USA??

    Just as easy to Light a MATCH during harvest season, then to TRY to use a dirty bomb.
    Easy enough to contaminate Food stuffs in a processing plant. Coke or Pepsi or Bud would be the easiest/biggest/most used.

    Which would cause more terror?
    hitting a 1-5 mile area…
    Or a HIT that ranges across the WHOLE USA??

  20. enuf_is_enuf says:

    The scariest people are those who miss the point entirely, and say things like, “Why drive in the city?”


    Read a book will you! It won’t kill you! Read about Russia or Nazi Germany.

    Try “1984” by George Orwell, or “It Can’t Happen Here” by Sinclair Lewis (yes – way back then), or anything by Solzhenitsin.

    If you refuse to read a book, never speak to anyone whose respect you want.

  21. soundwash says:

    this is a complete farce..only reason to do this is to get us used to the idea of having them everywhere.

    this is also to get the baseline infrastructure installed so the next false flag Op that is just around the corner allows for mass installation can be executed swiftly while the media keeps us in heightened state of fear, allowing the passage of the next phase constitutional destruction to be pushed through congress w/nary a read or “nay” vote.

    if one does background on “dirty bomb” studies you’ll find they all assume the people in the target area *do not move* from the irradiated area, in some cases, for 17yrs. Dirty bombs, like the war on terror is a complete phalacy. its only purpose is to keep us in state of crisis to allow the easy facilitation into a police state.

    if you step back, you can see Orwell’s 1984 is being played out almost to the letter. -yet nobody cares.

    -it seems to me at least, London is the test bed for the majority of all this madness. we need only look to see what shenanigans is being foisted its people there to see what in part, is in store for us here..

    If you want to see a two pieces prophetic art/entertainment and one documentary, that could not explain any better, the state we which we are in and going deeper into, i suggest the following to given a good hard look..

    1) first off, look for “The Money Masters” on go ogle video. this is an excellent straight fact based documentary that follows the creation of currency and the banking system from ancient times to present day. (i think it was made in the early 90’s)

    this alone will not only educate many to fact that the USDollar has nothing to do with the government [its made by a private share holding/profit seeking bank](The Fed) -but that also history is repeating itself this very moment with current housing and market crisis. -all manipulated by the Federal Reserve and the rest of the central banks. serious, its historical fact. -give it a look.

    2) after that go rent/dl, the 1976 movie Network, an award winning, all star cast about the corporations and the news media exploiting and manipulating the news solely for financial gain..

    -your jaw will drop, if only because you’d think this movie was the founding basis/plan followed almost to the “T”, for todays media and corporate landscape. (for lack of better wording)

    3) if you still have not read Orwell’s 1984, i suggest you do with great haste.. if your not the reading type, find the original 1956 b&w version of the movie, as this will explain the details of the book/how Big Brother works far better than the
    1984 version. -though the ’84 version will suffice just as well to get the point across..

    #5 Mr. Fusion’s comment is right on the mark on matter as well.. if anything he’s being too kind in his viewpoint. -alas this may be only be because his “flame retardant suit” is probably all but burned away.. your eyes people, nothing is what it seems.. we have absolutely no need for any of this surveillance crap.

    -history has shown if anything, that these cameras (with audio) should be installed in the offices, hallways, stairwells and garages of every branch of *every* government and bank.
    -here is were the real planning of destruction of liberty and faux terrorism of free people birth their plans..



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