A Chicago police officer has been suspended for 15 months for demanding free coffee and baked goods from six different Starbucks.

Chicago police officer Barbara Nevers apparently had a taste for Starbucks, especially the free kind.

The Police Board ruled in May that 55-year-old Nevers intimidated Starbucks employees by screaming at them and flashing her badge, handcuffs or gun when they wanted her to pay.

Officer Barbara Nevers, a 14-year veteran, has also been ordered to undergo counseling.

Counseling is the least of it. I hope they don’t put a gun back in her hands for a spell.

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    wasn’t this posted last week or so?

  2. god says:

    They’re all the same, dude. I think you are remembering the Floriduh version:


  3. bobbo says:

    “Nevers’ attorney says her client never used her job to demand coffee. She says some coffeehouses gave it to her for free because she was an officer.”

    No counseling for you until you admit you have a problem.

    Would the department really take her back after a 15 month furlough? Something seems “amiss” here. Suspension longer than 3 months maximum actually mean for some unknown reason they aren’t going to outright fire the person, but sends a strong message they don’t want them back? Or does the time allow some sort of retirement vesting benefit the person doesn’t actually deserve==like free donuts?


  4. McCullough says:

    Corruption, even the slightest amount should not be rewarded with a vacation. The bitch needs to be put out on her donut eating butt.

  5. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #2 Thanks God! – What the hell are they putting in those donuts? That must be some great powdered sugar.

  6. QB says:

    Force her to drink Dunkin’ Donuts coffee. But that may be too cruel…

  7. Joe says:

    I”ll let you in on a secret. Suspending a cop for 15 months is the police dept way of forcing the person to quit on thier own. They get no pay or Benefits for the next year so eventually they just leave and find another job somewhere else, but not as a cop.

    Long term suspensions are the police’s way of firing someone without to deal with the union or with paying the person unemployment.

  8. comhcinc says:

    isn’t this called stealing?

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8, Com

    Actually it is extortion and in most States is a felony. For whatever reason though, the Department is protecting their own and not pursuing criminal charges but damned if they would extend the same to a civilian.

    Charge her fat ass and send a real message.

  10. Rabble Rouser says:

    Literally, “Bad cop, no doughnut.”

  11. QB says:

    Mr Fusion, extortion is such a dirty word.

  12. MoparPower says:

    #11 I prefer blackmail

  13. just Ed says:

    “Or does the time allow some sort of retirement vesting benefit the person”
    I work in a local gov job You do not get fired after fifty no matter what you do or don’t do. they retire you. I love my union.

  14. Judge Jewdy says:

    I never saw her picture, is she a coont?

  15. deowll says:

    It’s called robbery. She should do time then as a convicted felon she should not be hired by any police force.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    After being convicted she would not be eligible for any police pension, union or no union.

  17. lou says:

    If I had done this. I would be sending this from jail. This ahole should be doing at least 5 to 10 years.
    They locked up Tommy Chong for 9 months for selling glass.


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