From the Google feed

Google Maps – 33409 — If this were from anything other than a satellite and showed up more than once I’d assume it was a drop of water on the lens. But it is an apparent UFO of some sort hovering over Florida.

Then again, it could be planted by Google to draw attention to its new service. Hmmmm.

found by P. Parker

  1. Shaun says:

    Apparently there are a whole number of these things in a grid – see

    for a grid showing their positions. Also see

    for some speculation about the origin.

  2. Miguel Lopes says:

    Could it be something that’s being purposely blotted out for some reason? Security comes to mind, what’s your guess?

  3. Ted Holmes says:

    More than a dozen also discovered over L.A. Details here

  4. Ted Holmes says:

    More than a dozen also discovered over L.A. Details here


  5. beardbabe says:

    It looks like a water droplet on a lens. Which would be curious since there is no water in outer space.

  6. Improbus says:

    There is water in space. But it is much more likely to be in crystal form. Sorry, just picking nits.

  7. Fabiano says:

    why don’t belive in others lifes?

  8. leah says:

    wow… it really makes ya wonder

  9. ccc says:

    Not all google earth images are satellite images. Many if not most are just aerial photos from planes.

  10. lori says:

    Uh… you know this photo is most likely of a balloon of some type. IIRC some companies and cities are even testing them for broadband uses. Considering that, it would espeically make sense to see them in a grid 😉

  11. alk says:

    Those are weather balloons dumbos. People who hide UFO facts are happy you people are getting deviated. So forget the Florida sphere grid. Concentrate on the rest.

  12. proczuha says:

    i agreed with author. thanksq


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