• Google kills Blogger sites for no good reason. Someone blames Obama.
  • 3/4 of UK searches done on Google.
  • Microsoft getting attacked left and right. Needs to do something. Microsoft doing huge stock buyback.
  • Cisco not buying EMC.
  • Russian gangs hijacking PC’s (no kidding!). The Russians are trouble.
  • Dell getting cheap ink for going green.
  • AOL killing Time-Warner. Where is Steve Case when you need him?
  • Steve Job memo gets leaked to the press mysteriously.
  • CLEAR laptop lost then found.
  • DEFCON underway. Visit if you can.
  • Everyone agreeing to shutting their mouths while in China for the Olympics. Cripes.

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  1. QB says:

    Thank you for outing Apple Mobile Me memo. JCD is the first person to call BS on that thing.

  2. Special Ed says:

    Interesting comment on EMC and driving the stock back down where it belongs. We always said about EMC, you can buy better but you can’t pay more. Thankfully Cisco figured this out.

  3. Lewis Perdue says:

    In early July,l got a threatening email from so-called “progressives” that they found my posts offensive and were going to report my blog as spam.

    They did and the Google bots took me down for several days. That was almost a month ago. I was forced to move my blog off Google.

    While Google did finally restore limited functionality they’ve never responded and still have not restored full functionality. The Google forums are white hot.

    So what does this mean for “cloud computing?” If your data, your documents and your life are on some evil corp’s network, then this could happen with almost anything.

    The Google handcuffs graphic is from my original blogspot site at: http://therewillbetruth.blogspot.com/ and the full story about the fasciGooglists is at http://www.therewillbetruth.com/?p=29

  4. QB says:

    Lewis, take a note from Mr Dvorak and put up your own site. Lots of people use WordPress, but there are dozens of possibilities out there. If you don’t want to use your own server there are lots of reputable companies out there who will manage it for you.

    I did a quick domain search and lewisperdue.org and lewisperdue.com are available.

  5. Glenn E. says:

    I’m beginning to think that Microsoft’s execs know there’s no way out but down. So they’ve secretly bought out Apple and Linux. And that’s why they don’t care if those OSes eat their lunch. They already own the lunch counter.

    The reason that the Feds show up at Defcon is because they’ve got no good ideas of their own. But are perfectly willing to steal them from these blackhats. And what they can steal, they hire.

  6. jbenson2 says:

    “Obama’s campaign people have found how to game the system. Most of the sites were anti-Obama. Ha! Gotta give ’em credit where credit is due.

    What a chicken comment. If the tables were turned and pro-Democrats sites were shut down it would be front page news with the ACLU leading the pack.

  7. Lewis Perdue says:

    #4 – Thanks QB

  8. QB says:

    Weird, when I checked lewisperdue.com last night it says it was available. Obviously you have a site.

    Early onset Alzheimers. 😉

  9. Lewis Perdue says:

    QB … no prob. Probably Google agents infecting your registry.


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