Seems like a Good Idea to the Deer! – California to ban hunting over Internet – May 4, 2005 — With all the crap going on in this bankrupt and corrupt state they need an emergency meeting because of this nonsense! Right.

SACRAMENTO, California (AP) — Wildlife regulators took the first step Tuesday to bar hunters from using the Internet to shoot animals, responding to a Texas Web site that planned to let users fire at real game with the click of a mouse.

The Fish and Game Commission ordered wildlife officials to prepare emergency regulations to ban the practice. A period of public comment will follow.

“We don’t think Californians should be able to hunt sitting at their computers at home,” said Steve Martarano, a spokesman for the state Department of Fish and Game.

And what does California have to do with Texas in this regard?

noted by K. Burel

  1. Jim says:

    In other news.

    SACRAMENTO, California (AP) — Wildlife regulizzles tizzle tha F-to-tha-izzirst step Tuesday ta bar nigga frizzay using tha Internet ta shoot animals, blunt-rollin’ ta a Texas Web site that planned ta let baller fizzy at rizzle game wit tha clizzay of a mouse.

    The Fizzy n Game Commission ordered wildlife officials ta prepare emergency regulizzles ta ban tha practice . Nigga get shut up or get wet up. A period of public comment will follow.

    “We don’t think Califizzles should be able ta hunt steppin’ at they computa at home,” said Steve Martarizzle a spokesman fo` tha state Department of Fizzle n Game.

  2. Mike Voice says:

    Crazy. ;(

    How do they think they would enforce such a ban?

    Order California ISPs to block access to the site?

    Order the Texas website to deny access to California web addresses?

    Their heads will probably explode when someone tells them how proxy-servers work. 🙂

    From the article: … and ban the import or export of any animal killed using computer-assisted hunting.

    Shit, they can’t stop illegal immigrants from entering the state, and they think they can stop a piece of meat?? Puh-leaze. 🙁

  3. Miguel Lopes says:


    You WILL have to admit that internet hunting is a dumb, silly, nonsensical, absurd, weird, sick concept (ran out of adjectives)…

    Isn’t it?

    In this day and age, hunting alone is stupid and sick. Doing it over the web adds another layer of sickness… Animals aren’t there just for our amusement… Can you imagine the bachelor party use of this sort of thing? Time to stop being so dumb to nature!

  4. K B says:

    “…they can’t stop illegal immigrants from entering the state, and they think they can stop a piece of meat??” –MIke Voice

    ROFL !! 🙂

    Still, an illustrator could do a nice piece of work with this one– someone at home sitting in a hunting tree stand mounted on the wall, clicking his mouse and screaming, “GOT HIM !!!!”

  5. Pat says:

    stupid is as,… well just stupid.

  6. Imafish says:

    Miguel, if hunting is pointless, then all hunting should be banned. What is absurd is banning it over the internet, especially since it occurs in an entirely different state. Exactly what legitimate concern does California have over Texas’ animals?

  7. Pat says:

    As we live out in the country, this morning we went into town for Mother’s Day Brunch. On the way home, we went down some shady back roads. As we turned a corner and past a small wood lot, there came bounding a beautiful, large buck through a field.

    I slowed the car a little and watched as it tried to escape the high electric fence. They use electric fences to keep the cows in because they don’t need to be as strong. The first thing to come into my mind was “WHAT A SHOT”. If only I had brought my camera!

    Around these parts, deer are a menace. I think most people have had an encounter with a deer and their car. I have had several near misses.

    Two years ago a deer ran onto the road and hit my car as I was doing about 45 mph. Broke off the side mirror and dented the door. And I watched as the deer got to her feet a minute later, shake her head, then run off after the rest of her herd. No free out of season venison for me. Cost me over $500 to get another door put on. I was afraid the deer might have a broken jaw.

    My mother-in-law has hit six deer, three in one year.

    Now, how could I set up a computerized hunting program that will actually reduce the deer population. I think K B has the right idea.

    Before anyone thinks I am cruel, deer are fine in the woods. Here in the mid-west though, they are a menace. Every year people are killed in car-deer collisions. They eat buds off of the trees killing them. Several of the State Parks have controlled hunts to reduce their over-population periodically.

    As a disclaimer, I have never gone hunting, for deer or anything else. I don’t own a gun, and never have. And Bambi was a male.

  8. AB CD says:

    I’d be worried about the video game atmosphere. How controlled is the environment? If a person comes in front of the gun, the person at home may just shoot.

  9. Jason says:



    Too bad it’s so difficult to find at the market. I suppose if they farmed these beasts in the same humane way as they do poultry and other livestock.

  10. Ken Wright says:

    The issue here is not internet hunting, at least not the primary one. The real idea here is that the freaks running the People’s Republik of Kalifornia think there is no limit to the control they can have over their loyal subjects. If you don’t like something then just don’t do it. Imposing your (probably incorrect) values on others is exactly what will destroy the greatest country on earth.

  11. Lynnae Kapp says:

    Speaking of the weakest of the breed. I’d like to see hunters without guns out there wrestling animals- Now that’s manly- instead of hiding behind a gun. Any weakling can carry a gun and shoot something or someone. I doubt the so-called “sportsman” would win that fight, but it would be more fair and interesting. The need to kill animals is kind of a scary thing. If these people went around shooting dogs, due to the need to kill something, we would want their heads examined. Once you have the enjoyment of killing animals, where will it lead?

  12. Frank says:

    Freaky idea. Shooting controlled by computers. Imagine if a terrorist have access to this technology? They can start shooting at us, via Internet, from any foreign country.

  13. gilzow says:

    in response to Pat

    Here in the mid-west though, they are a menace. Every year people are killed in car-deer collisions. They eat buds off of the trees killing them. Several of the State Parks have controlled hunts to reduce their over-population periodically.

    This exactly why many mid-western states are considering, and subsequently you should support, the reintroduction of wolves. The reason why deer are now a nuisance is because we, humans, removed the manjority of their natural predators.

  14. darrell smith says:

    Is this really so different than those Texas Enron executives shutting down California power plants remotely?
    I think a better idea might be remote people watching, with a remote controlled digital camera sniping away at the general population. Hmmm….now where would we put it? Times Square? Hollywood? Las Vegas?

  15. Romulus says:

    I have hunted all my life. This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of. By the way some of the best days I’ve ever had are in the woods and never got a shot all day

    The olny people who would do this have too much money and no brains

  16. Mike says:

    Well, I would more concerned that the term computer assisted hunting could liberally be applied to planning and booking a hunting trip over the internet. Maybe even using the internet to look up hunting laws.
    I went hunting for the first time last year and it was a blast, as far as the “Any weakling can carry a gun and shoot something or someone” comment, sure I could easily shoot something or someone, but try and shoot what your hunting for, it is a lot harder than you think. there is a lot of skill, hard work and some luck involved. I hiked about 35 miles over the course of 4 days around the top of a mountain in Wyoming. About 5 miles up and 5 miles back down with a 45 pound pack. I don’t know too many weaklings who could do that especially at over 9000 ft elevation.

    I doubt very many true sportsman would care for this type of hunting anyway. I see it as more of a publicity stunt. But is it any worse than some of the “hunting” outfits that let you come hunt on thier private ranch and guarantee you will get a tropy animal?

  17. Howard says:

    I myself find game hunting an appalling “sport”. Addressing the issues of those who find deer a menace, it is, unfortunately, society’s fault for encroaching on the natural habitats of both the deer and their natural predators, as well as the systematic killing of those very same predators to save farmed livestock (instead of spending more money to just adequately protect them). Unfortunately, we have already screwed up enough that there’s no turning back, so we are forced to either re-introduce the predator, with possible unforeseen results, or engage in “controlled” hunts.

    Now, getting back to the “internet hunting” issue. Frank has it right. Unfortunately, as is usually the case, the technology is already there, and it was just waiting for some depraved person to take advantage of it. As an engineer, I see it as a relatively simple task to undertake. However, as a moral, religiously observant, and law-abiding person, I choose not to undertake that task (except under extraordinary circumstances, such as for the protection of country or family). And to add to Frank’s comment, it doesn’t necessarily need to be terrorists, does it? It could be common criminals, gangbangers, or just wackos setting up shop and picking us off. Remember the Washington-area sniper case of a few years back?

  18. Wesley in Louisiana says:

    I’m not a hunter. Never have been. Well, there was one squirrel season about 15 years ago but aside from that…. nothing. However, I am shooter. A quick note for the person who talks about natural selection… in Louisiana (and most other States), there are no natural predators for deer. Without hunting, they quickly overpopulate and begin to die of starvation and disease. That’s not hunters’ propaganda; that’s a fact. Shooting accurately is far more difficult than most non-shooters can imagine. I believe that comparing target shooting to golf is about right. It is more physical and mental than anything else. Holding a 12 pound target rifle while standing is a lot more demanding than you think. (That’s my NRA speech, but it’s true.)
    Shooting or hunting over the internet? Just plain silly. Using a mouse to steady your shot? Why not just use software and an electronic rifle? No need to punch real holes using a mouse. Punching real holes in paper is only a challenge if you have to get out in the heat (or cold) and steady that rifle or pistol with your own body. There are programs and equipment out there to help the diasabled to shoot in competition. Some of them are far better shots than me. The real challenge is a personal thing. Doing it with a computer is just fantasy.

  19. John says:

    In the USA you have freedom to vote, freedom to speech, right to bear arm etc… and now to hunt via the internet.

    If you are the greatest country on earth then when is the next flight to Mars?

  20. Mike says:

    Pat… Tell that mother-in-law of yours to slow down a bit. You can’t blame deer for our intrustion into their territory.

  21. Richard says:

    Set up these rifles on the southern border and stop illegal immigration — or better yet, set them up in Sacramento and stop idiotic lawmakers!

  22. mike cannalli says:

    Perhaps all would best be served if the authors of this sick site were to sit in front of their apparatus and let everyone log on.

  23. Dan says:

    This idea doesn’t particularly appeal to (or offend me) but Mr. (?) Ulanoff needs to get a life!
    Does he really get paid to write such drivel?

  24. adlib says:

    This hunting silliness is the least concern. I wrote a short sttory four years ago about a presidential assassination using an internet controlled, high-powered rifle. This is far scarier.

  25. M. Marvinski says:

    I liked Jim’s comments the best. As for the rest of ya’ll, anyone that thinks hunting should be banned should be a vegetarian or shut up. And if you are a vegetarian, when’s the last time you planted a garden? Never? then you need to shut up too. Most people are so out of touch with the rest of the world it’s mind boggling. Get a life.

  26. Angel H. Wong says:


    You have to love yer veggies and yer meat.

    Besides I’ve had eaten the usual chicken, beef, pork, duck, fish, shellfish meat and the unusual iguana, turtle, agouti (its a big rat like animal that eats fruits and no it’s not a young male prostitute from NY) and spider monkey. *grin* if a Peta member/vegan trophy wife from California hears this she probably would pay someone to shoot me that way 🙂

  27. A. Moore says:

    I’ve nothing against hunting done responsibly. Still I find this a bit sickening. If you can’t get your butt up and go do it, tough. I don’t care if you don’t have time, if you’re handicapped, or what not. As to California attempting to regulate it, I have no problem with it, save for the difficulty in doing so. I would fully support a federal ban on such sites and practices. This isn’t about freedom to hunt, to bear arms, or the environment. This is about sick minded individuals combined with what is (in this context) an abuse of technology. No hunter worth the title or any respect for game or those who taught him or her would stoop so low.

  28. The roots of racism says:

    Program on the emergence of civilization.

    “14 species of large animals capable of domesitcation in the history of mankind.
    None from the sub-Saharan African continent.
    13 from Europe, Asia and northern Africa.”
    And disfavor.

    They point out Africans’ attempts to domesticate the elephant and zebra, the latter being an animal they illustrate that had utmost importance for it’s applicability in transformation from a hunting/gathering to agrarian-based civilization.

    The roots of racism are not of this earth.

    Austrailia, aboriginals:::No domesticable animals.

    The North American continent had none. Now 99% of that population is gone.

    Organizational Heirarchy
    Heirarchical order, from top to bottom:

    1. MUCK – perhaps have experienced multiple universal contractions (have seen multiple big bangs), creator of the artificial intelligence humans ignorantly refer to as “god”
    2. Perhaps some mid-level alien management –
    3. Mafia (evil) aliens – runs day-to-day operations here and perhaps elsewhere (“On planets where they approved evil.”)

    Then we come to terrestrial management:

    4. Chinese/egyptians – this may be separated into the eastern and western worlds
    5. Romans – they answer to the egyptians
    6. Mafia – the real-world interface that constantly turns over generationally so as to reinforce the widely-held notion of mortality
    7. Jews, corporation, women, politician – Evidence exisits to suggest mafia management over all these groups.

    Survival of the favored.

    Movies foreshadowing catastrophy
    1986 James Bond View to a Kill – 1989 San Fransisco Loma Prieta earthquake.

    Journal: 10 composition books + 39 megs of text files

  29. The roots of racism says:

    Program on the emergence of civilization.

    “14 species of large animals capable of domesitcation in the history of mankind.
    None from the sub-Saharan African continent.
    13 from Europe, Asia and northern Africa.”
    And disfavor.

    They point out Africans’ attempts to domesticate the elephant and zebra, the latter being an animal they illustrate that had utmost importance for it’s applicability in transformation from a hunting/gathering to agrarian-based civilization.

    The roots of racism are not of this earth.

    Austrailia, aboriginals:::No domesticable animals.

    The North American continent had none. Now 99% of that population is gone.

    Organizational Heirarchy
    Heirarchical order, from top to bottom:

    1. MUCK – perhaps have experienced multiple universal contractions (have seen multiple big bangs), creator of the artificial intelligence humans ignorantly refer to as “god”
    2. Perhaps some mid-level alien management –
    3. Mafia (evil) aliens – runs day-to-day operations here and perhaps elsewhere (“On planets where they approved evil.”)

    Then we come to terrestrial management:

    4. Chinese/egyptians – this may be separated into the eastern and western worlds
    5. Romans – they answer to the egyptians
    6. Mafia – the real-world interface that constantly turns over generationally so as to reinforce the widely-held notion of mortality
    7. Jews, corporation, women, politician – Evidence exisits to suggest mafia management over all these groups.

    Survival of the favored.

    Movies foreshadowing catastrophy
    1986 James Bond View to a Kill – 1989 San Fransisco Loma Prieta earthquake.

    Journal: 10 composition books + 39 megs of text files


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