• PC shipments on the increase.
  • Symantec screws its distributors. Interesting strategy.
  • Google buys another contextual ad firm. It’s out of Russia.
  • AMD in the news as the company gets rid of CEO.
  • Psystar selling HQ.
  • Cold fusion results rigged.
  • gPhone back in the news.
  • A new worm transcodes MP3’s in an effort to infect PC’s.
  • Computer mouse heading for extinction.
  • Microsoft online keeps losing money. Web ad business rocky.
  • Sun hopes to do well in Africa.

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  1. Ah_Yea says:

    “PC shipments on the increase.”

    Yes, now that you can buy XP installed instead of Vista….

    Or maybe it’s Psystar?

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    Or maybe not…

  3. Esteban says:

    If Apple stops Psystar from selling bootleg copies of Leopard, maybe they could switch to selling bootleg copies of XP. I’m pretty sure there’s a growing market for that.

  4. Anyone seen Mister Mustard? Just worried…

  5. bobbo says:

    #4–I think Mr Pickle and Mr Mayo hauled him off to 1000 Islands. You should have been in on the heist?

  6. #5 – Damn, I told them to hold the mayo.

  7. Judge Jewdy says:

    peedro, uh, er, PC sales include MAC – douchebag!

  8. Cinaedh says:

    # 8 – Judge Jewdy

    Are you sure personal computer sales include the Mac?

    I thought every Apple computer in existence still belonged to Steve Jobs and Apple.

  9. QB says:

    PC prices have dropped a lot in the last 6 months with thinner margins but more volume for the big manufacturers – the little guys are in trouble. China, India, Brazil, and Russia are seeing huge PC sales growth.

  10. QB says:

    Wow, John said something almost, kind of, in a way, sort of nice about the gPhone.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    #4 – Mister Ketchup – Anyone seen Mister Mustard?

  12. Cool down, condiments. Mustard will always be the spice of choice.

  13. Floyd says:

    “Computer mouse headed for extinction.”
    Riiight. Whenever I have to buy/use a laptop, I ignore the trackpad and use a mouse of some kind. I will not buy a touch screeen PC, as the last thing I need to do is put fingerprints all over my screen.

  14. Judge Jewdy says:

    To Pedro!!



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