• Microsoft’s huge revenue gain and increased profits push the stock lower. Maybe the company should figure out why. Microsoft is doing something wrong. I know what.
  • Xbox360 best of show at E3.
  • Who is NebuAd? They are talking to Congress whoever they are.
  • Psystar goes back into business despite what Apple does.
  • Tivo to put YouTube vids on TV. Wowie.
  • EU going after Intel.
  • White LED’s getting better.

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  1. deowll says:

    The one thing that is obvious is that people have no confidence in the leadership at Microsoft.

    Why would they when they basicly keep saying that the business modal is no good and they seem to want to blow billions on dubius purchases. They have allowed Apple to mock them. They aren’t taking care of business. They don’t seem to have any clear vision. It isn’t clear who is on first and that things are flowing as a unified vision.

    To put it another way they are drifting without a rudder and blowing enough money to sink a battle ship while doing so.

    Mr. Big is seen a a bombastic buffoon. Not my fault but I think the shoe fits. He’s a tough smart man but I don’t think he has any more clue about what he should be doing than I do.

    Oh well I don’t own stock and I can make do with Linux.

  2. Chris Mac says:

    Can’t google buy MS yet?

  3. karanua says:

    Nebuaad is like phorm, a privacy invasion. This place (the internet) is getting like Farenheit 451.

  4. SomeDudeOnline says:

    Leo has talked about Nebuad in the last couple of Security Now! with Steve…

  5. Who says:

    “Microsoft is doing something wrong.”

    Yeah, the CEO is a dork!

  6. lou says:

    Ballmer has to go.
    Investors know soft is going to buy Yahoo.
    The investors know It’s a lame invetment.
    Thats why the stock is barking like a dog.

  7. Li says:

    Hey John, the latest Cree LED’s like the XLamp Q5 have a nice yellow tinge in the warm white version. I’ve got new torch that put sunny yellow light out, actually.

  8. Who says:

    #8 – The rate of the pack is determined by the speed of the leader.


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