Taleban militants in Pakistan’s north-western Mohmand tribal area have set up permanent Islamic courts. The districts have been divided into four judicial zones, each having two judges and a permanent court address.

The Taleban have up until now used mobile courts – with no permanent offices or judges – to settle criminal and financial disputes. They say the permanent courts show the diminishing authority of the central and local governments…

All this is embarrassing for the Pakistani government, especially because the Taleban have in the past carried out cruel punishments against people accused of moral turpitude, crime or spying.

Earlier this month, two Afghan nationals accused of spying for the US were publicly killed on the orders of a Taleban court in Bajaur.

Last month, a court in Orakzai ordered the public killing of half a dozen alleged bandits.

And in March, the Taleban killed a couple after they were allegedly found guilty of adultery by a court in Mohmand.

If our leading ally in the Worldwide War on Terror has little to say about the administration of justice, law and order within their own borders, how much use is their assistance throughout the region?

  1. thirteen says:

    Waaaa. get your own house in check…. nubs.

  2. Peter iNova says:

    So a ruling under a Taliban court is a Sunni disposition?

    Also: Taleban = 773,000 pages. Taliban = 11,300,000 pages. Oh, those Brits.

  3. JimR says:

    I think it’s time for some sort of ultimatum with Pakistan.

  4. Ron Larson says:

    The Pakistan justice systems is a corrupt joke that no one has an ounce of faith in. That is why alternative court systems, like this one, have come in to existence. Yea, they are dark ages, but the poor and those without connections at least feel they have chance at some justice.

    I highly recommend this National Geographic feature from Sept. 2007 that talks about this corruption and the failure of the Pakistan justice system to deliver anything close to fair justice. These Islamic courts will make a lot of sense.


  5. dejavuyou says:

    It seems to me that what you’ve described would be referred to as a kangaroo court. as illegitimate as they get.

    needless to say… if we just bombed set courts we could wipe a whole bunch of these useless vermin off the face of the earth. and maybe the poor slob who was being tried in it could get away…. a perfect world.

  6. Blues says:

    Yeah. They should have US style Kangaroo courts modelled on the Guantanamo Bay military tribunals. Or maybe Texas style style justice where you arrest the nearest black man, convict him and sentence him to death.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    This is just another example of where there is no law, people will create their own version of justice. This isn’t necessarily our version of justice, but I wouldn’t doubt most of the locals agree with it.

  8. nomadwolf says:

    #6. You do have to admit, that the US kangaroo courts are better than the rest of the world.

    U!S!A! U!S!A!


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