Global Warming May Cause Kidney Stones – Health – redOrbit — FYI. Who comes up with this crap?

U.S. researchers say millions more people could suffer from kidney stones due to an increase in global warming.

Two mathematical models linked temperature and the risk of kidney-stones, and found that segments of the United States where the condition is most common will grow in coming years due to an expected rise in temperatures.

One of the researchers, urologist Dr. Margaret Pearle of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, said, “There’s every reason to anticipate that it would be happening worldwide.”

Kidney stones are defined as tremendously painful hard deposits of minerals and salts that can form in the kidneys. The condition tends to be more common in hot climates, with dehydration being a key risk factor.

Researchers said Monday they forecast increases of up to 30 percent in kidney stone cases in some areas, which means millions more people would get the condition.

They added that the U.S. could spend 25 percent more than current levels on treating kidney stone cases. The price tag could go up to $1 billion per year — by 2050.

  1. eyeofthetiger says:

    Perhaps people are dehydrated due to the fact they are consuming less water. Couple the thirst with the consumption of drinks that have to be flushed out (comparatively to that of a large meal) leaves the body drained. Comparing Global Warming to a lack of water is almost comical. Save humanity – pee on the fearmonster.

  2. gadgetenvy says:

    Don’t know about global warming but having passed 3 kidney stones now, they all became acute in July on really hot humid days.
    So for me if there are more really hot, humid days total, I may have more stones.
    Great 🙁

  3. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I don’t know about kidney stones but my priapism has been acting up lately.

  4. MikeN says:

    What next? The UN has already declared that the ethnic cleansing in Sudan is because of Global Warming! Some of the morons on this board even repeat it as fact.

  5. eyeofthetiger says:

    #4 Yesterdays newscycle had the UN winning about declaring Genocide would hamper their operations there in Sudan. It’s bad, bad when news lines seem like punchlines to really bad frat jokes.

  6. bobbo says:

    I passed a stone once. Thought my left nut was going to explode. Got to the emergency room and they gave me morphine every 5 minutes to no avail. But, they also gave me water and said drink and pee as much as you can. The “stone” passed. About the size of a grain of salt.

    Now why did god put all those nerve cells in the uterer? I see no reason at all for pain receptors there==except for the pain, I don’t even care if I pass stones. Stupid Design if you ask me.

  7. Rabble Rouser says:

    Why don’t you complain to the designer instead of us.

    The pain receptors are there for a good reason. More than likely, to tell if you had a urinary tract infection, but I am not in touch with any creators, so I am only making a logical presumption.

    The Monster’s Lawyer:
    You should have that priapism looked at… If it stays stiff too long, it’ll get brittle and fall off.

  8. chuck says:

    There’s a joke that says if you could giver cancer to all the CEOs of the top 500 corporations, you’d have a cure for cancer within a year.

    And if someone could just prove that global warming makes your penis smaller, we’d solve the problem within a few months.

  9. Dr Dodd says:

    How wonderful, another global warming may cause this story. As usual, dubious and unprovable.

    Still, it’s fun to see the creativity and depth of fabrication the doom and gloom crowd will go just to be scared.

    Some people like horror flicks – others have global warming.

  10. RTaylor says:

    I have to agree with several of the posters. No matter who much you can conceive these stones could hurt, it will be worse. They don’t just pass, they bounce along scraping every nerve ending along the path.

  11. bobbo says:

    #8–Rabble==this is a TECH blog (sic) or at least some would have it that way. I was merely trolling to see if anyone would agree with me that an intelligent design from an all caring creator would NOT put pain receptors in the ureter. No, instead passing stones would go unnoticed except for the pain, so why is there pain? You seem to think there is some good reason for it? I guess you are of the school that pain make you think about god’s plan for us heh? Well, as stated, what “he” should do is notify us by private email to have our stones checked out. Makes much more sense to me.

    MikeN and Dr. D==tag team of stupidity. What do you think “causation” is? How about “risk factor.” Same thing could be said for “when moving to a hotter location, to avoid kidney stones, drink lots of water.” I wouldn’t care how stupid you two are but I take it you vote with the same insight? Probably all for making the market more free thru less regulation too? Don’t deny it.

  12. Dr Dodd says:

    #13 bobbo

    As lame as global warming is, I thought it more interesting than to get involved in your newest caper.

    What’s this one titled, “The Mystery of the Stinging Pecker?”

  13. bobbo says:

    #14–Dr D==how do you slip so easily between states of consciousness? No, there is no “mystery”==its KIDNEY STONES!!!! And my pecker didn’t hurt at all. First symptom I thought maybe it was my appendix, my lower abdomen felt tender but within a few minutes it felt like a vice on my nut.

    I mention the gory details only to advise those of you who believe in a deterministic world, a world of cause and effect, NOT to drive yourself to the Emergency Room. The pain is such you can lose concentration, sight, and consciousness and you can’t tell when/if its going to happen.

    I’ve never felt anything like it, but I understand heart attacks can be about the same. More excellent design.

  14. JimR says:

    I passed two of hem. the 2nd was 1/8 inch. I first noticed something was wrong when my legs gave way and I crashed to the floor nearly passing out with the pain.

    Definition of pain: kidney stone

  15. admfubar says:

    odd, here my urologist said to me after i had a kidney stone, that people in the great lakes area have more kidney stones…

    well i dont need another one like i had anytime soon………
    mine was too big to pass, and it popped my kidney… (alien variety of kidney stone!!!)

  16. I have no idea if this is true. However, I must point out that even if true, kidney stones will be the least of our problems from global warming.

  17. MikeN says:

    So bobbo, you think the carnage in Darfur is because of global warming?

  18. Seed is another really good publication, though perhaps one with which you may be unfamiliar. This article presents a very good balanced viewpoint with climate change as a significant contributing factor.


  19. amodedoma says:

    The reason people are suffering kidney stones is mostly due to the fact that people aren’t drinking enough water. Add to that the fact that certain ingredients commonly used in soft drinks make it worse and voila, more people are suffering from kidney stones. Been twice to the emergency room for this – it’s the kind of pain that’ll get you praying for god to make you pass out. So stop drinking soda pop, drink at least two litres of water a day and like magic no more global warming… I mean kidney stones.

  20. bobbo says:

    #19–Mike==you raise such an interesting point, I wish there was someone I could discuss it with. I think Dr D gets it.

    Think of causation.

    Causation can be direct and immediate like the cue ball sinking the nine ball, or it can be diffuse and indirect as in humans in warm weather need to drink more water or they are more likely to get kidney stones. So, ANYTHING that contributes to warmer weather indirectly will lead to more kidney stones.

    Now just tell me you can understand the difference between direct and indirect and we can use this building block of liberal thinking to further expand your conception of the universe.

  21. MikeN says:

    You didn’t answer my question.

  22. bobbo says:

    #24–Mikey==if that question is directed to me from your post #19, please see my DIRECT ANSWER at Post #23. And I take it therefore that you do not understand the difference between direct and indirect causation.

    Well, that explains a lot.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, Lyin’ Mike,

    As if you ever answer those who call you out on your inane comments.

    For the record, yes, climate change does have much to do with Darfur. The simple answer is when an area becomes less productive than the population requires, the people either migrate or die. In Darfur the migrants want the land as their land is useless.

    Sorry Lyin’ Mike if that is too complicated for you.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    A problem is that in warm weather people drink more liquids that are not necessarily good for them. Alcohol and caffeine are diuretics and cause the body to lose water.

    When the body becomes dehydrated the kidneys slow down and could eventually eventually stop. Healthy kidneys require a good flow of water to remain healthy. Many common drugs require a healthy water flow to be removed by the kidneys.

    So enjoy your beer but don’t forget to drink plain water as well. The two (or three) quarts of water per day is just an urban legend. Drink when thirsty and add a little more when taking medication.


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