Is that the sound of Mr. Jefferson rolling in his grave?
Bush July 4th Monticello speech interrupted by “Free Speakers”
By McCullough Saturday July 5, 2008
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They should really get another marketing firm. Uncle Sam has a beard. Duh. What kind of press pass can one get without displaying a press pass into a closed security area with a camera filming the President?
Then there was this reporters direct question….
Bushy is saying they support free speech in this country as they haul people off for speaking freely.
People interrupting a speech isn’t quashing free speech. They are welcome to do their own speech in the next field over. They can say what they want. Free speech doesn’t mean you can be a jerk.
#4 — bingo
It’s things like what #2 posted that show that the hate of Bush has nothing to do with policies or what he’s done.
It all seems to be a deep based hate of the man. Remember, folks, hate the sin NOT the sinner.
Also, seriously, when did logic cease to be taught to people? “Worst president ever”? Prove it. You can’t. You can say he’s done a bad job of X, but you can’t say someone is the worst president ever without some type of fair and equitable way to compare them.
#6. “Also, seriously, when did logic cease to be taught to people? “Worst president ever”? Prove it. You can’t. You can say he’s done a bad job of X, but you can’t say someone is the worst president ever without some type of fair and equitable way to compare them.”
You see, the video in number 2 is obviously fake. But if I have to explain it to you, it kind of takes the funny out of it.
Talk about stupid, cripes!
#4 – Then Bush should have offered to come over to the next field over and hear them out. Hell, he could have had a few beers with that first chick and gotten lucky.
#6 – Jesus Fucking Christ don’t preach here. Just shut the fuck up and I will be glad to support you and your imaginary friends.
A. I believe it has been confirmed by historians that Bush is both the worst president of the United States and also has one of the lowest approval ratings if not THE lowest.
B. As much as I hate the man and his administration and believe wholeheartedly in free speech and his impeachment, I think what they did was taking it a bit too far.
C. As for the secret service hauling off those yelling and shouting at him, the S.S. was probably more worried one of them had a gun or had brought in some weapon they didn’t find. He seemed unphased by them protesting and heckling him, but their words might have been to big for him to understand, so who knows.
Way too little, way too late.
As Bush said during that protest “There’s your freedom of speech at work now” – to laughs from the crowd.
I’m very glad he has a sense of humor about spending our country into trillions of dollars of debt, and causing the deaths of thousands – good times!
OH, BTW, the video in the comments is a fake people! LOL
If only there were more of us with nuts enough to stand up to these fascists maybe we wouldn’t be involved in the illegal war. Weapons of mass destruction?!? Where? Can we ever believe anything this man says? When will we, as a nation, stand up to the traitors who send our life and our lives overseas illegally. Or will we sit complacently in our rental apartments while the traitors finish what once was a great country.
#4, rectagon,
Free speech doesn’t mean you can be a jerk.
Then I’m waiting for your explanation for your previous posts.
#5, tchamps2
#4 — bingo
Got yer own casino?
#6, tchamps2
the hate of Bush has nothing to do with policies or what he’s done.
So, right after 9/11 Bush has an approval of 90%. Then ¾ of Americans got together and decided to hate him. For no reason. Just like that.
Remember, folks, hate the sin NOT the sinner.
Fuck you. I hate the asshole who lied to America. The asshole who sent good Americans off to die in some god forsaken desert. The asshole who allowed spying without warrants on Americans. The asshole who gave billions away to his oil patch pals. The asshole who refuses to allow accountability to Congress. The asshole that didn’t care that returning injured soldiers were put in vermin infested rooms with dirty water dripping on those below. The asshole who said the Constitution is “just a piece of paper”.
“Worst president ever”? Prove it. You can’t.
WE don’t have to. Bush has done that, plus alienated everyone, all on his own.
If only you had read your own writing first, you wouldn’t be saying that about yourself.
#13, rectagon,
the video in the comments is a fake people!
No shit Sherlock !!! How long did it take you to realize that. Boy, is mommy proud of her little square headed offspring? Go back and read post #4.
I don’t appreciate the way he has allowed Congress and his administration to spend our country into oblivion. I don’t appreciate him failing to persuade Congress into a better energy policy – true he tried but it seems he just gave up instead of being persistent. I also don’t appreciate how he’s failed to uphold many of the Conservative principles (less government, less spending, etc). Do I hate the man? No. Is he the worst president ever? Not even close.
I think these moonbats heckling are so selfish for attention that they failed to notice this ceremony was for hard-working, tax-paying, law-abiding foreigners that worked and earned their way to obtaining US Citizenship. That is supposed to go down as one of the proudest days in their lives. I’m sure they had family members video taping this only to be interrupted by these moonbats. I would’ve been pretty pissed to have that happen to me.
Like many have said, there’s a time and a place for this. The timing was right. They need all the attention they can get to let everyone know of their hatred to Bush. The place should’ve been a block away, or more, which is no different than what the DNC is setup to allow protesters to do on their big date in August ( – so much for you definition of freedom of speech.
You want worst presidents ever? Look at some Latin American Presidents or other presidents around the world for that definition. Give me a freakin’ break Bush haters. The man might have done many things you didn’t agree with (actually nothing he ever did you agreed with because he’s not a Democrat nor a Liberal), but you Bush haters do less to further your cause by being immature, disruptive little pricks and c*nts with acts like these. All it does is make me despise you more. And this is saying a lot by me who would be the first to agree to impeach him if he were ever found guilty of the impeachable offenses you so claim. But your Democratically led Congress (since 2006) has failed to do this. Maybe there’s no there there. All you keep doing is lowering the bar for when your candidate of choice makes it to the White House.
BTW, the video is pretty funny. I like the special touch how it’s coming from the one news networks that would never even think of asking those questions 🙂
Speaking freely and interrupting the President’s hallmark 4th of July speech are two different things. You want to speak out on the corner? GO FOR IT.
But when the President is speaking while celebrating the birth of the country, show some respect and shut the “F” up.
I can think of no better way to protest the idiot who disrespects the Constitution than to do it on the lawn of one of the authors….TJ would have loved it.
#15 – Fissile One
>>The asshole who said the Constitution is
>>“just a piece of paper”.
I believe he said the Constitution is “just a goddamned piece of paper”.
He’s a God-fearing fellow, the Chimperor-in-Chief.
Of course George Bush would restrict free speech. He signed a campaign finance reform bill doing exactly that, banning mention of a politician in ads within 60 days of an election. Anyone who supported passage of that should not be opposing this now.
Those jerks should have moved their protests into one of the officially designated free-speech-zones. Then no one would have to be offended by their malicious and offending words. I mean really, what is the priority here?
But, if you think free speech zones don’t exist in the U.S., then you are sadly mistaken. Look it up.
Should presidents be jeered when they appear publicly to make statements?
Well, lets see. Should they ever be cheered?
#19, Mustard,
True, but I was aiming for brevity.
If the President expects to be cheered AND the Secret Service condones cheering from those who approve, then they must also tolerate and accept jeering from those who disapprove. It can’t just one.
#15 Thank you for being well informed and blunt. I quite enjoyed reading that.
#18 Yes Jefferson would have loved it if he were there… and would have probably done much more than the protesters did… like gather a militia and march on Washington D.C. to kick out a few people.
as far as Bush goes… he’s awful and there’s no denying it.. Of course he’s a puppet to other ‘even worse’ interests. Here’s a handy little article:
#17, you’re an absolute moron.
Mr Fusion.
“No shit Sherlock !!! How long did it take you to realize that. Boy, is mommy proud of her little square headed offspring? Go back and read post #4.”
That makes no sense.
… and I’ve been a jerk where?
I watched this speech live, and I think the protesters’ yelling is being a bit overplayed. They were certainly there, but it wasn’t to a level of the speech having to be stopped.
However, between the protesters and some of the replies in this thread, it isn’t hard to figure out why the left isn’t taken seriously in this country anymore: People are too busy knocking the easy target (which after 7+ years you’d think some of you hacks would realize that’s all Bush was ever meant to be), and not acknowledging the fact that new citizens had what was to be *their* ceremony needlessly interrupted.
BTW… How about a thread on BHO’s move to the center? Can you guys handle that, yet?