Thomas Beatie, the transgender man who made headlines as the so-called “pregnant man,” gave birth Sunday to a healthy baby girl, ABC News has learned. The birth, at St. Charles Medical Center in Bend, Oregon, was natural, according to a source, who added that reports that Beatie had had a Caesarean section are false. “She’s really cute, really pretty,” the source told ABC News Thursday afternoon. The source said Beattie was resting and the family was focusing its attention on the new baby. Born a woman, Beatie, 34, who had had his breasts surgically removed and legally changed his gender from female to male, leaped to prominence around the world in April when the wispy bearded man revealed he was pregnant.

Despite years of taking hormones and living outwardly as a man, Beatie maintained that he retained his female sex organs because he intended one day to get pregnant. “I actually opted not to do anything to my reproductive organs because I wanted to have a child one day. I see pregnancy as a process, and it doesn’t define who I am,” Beatie told Oprah Winfrey in April. “I feel it’s not a male or female desire to have a child. It’s a human need. I’m a person and I have the right to have a biological child,” he said. Beatie was impregnated with sperm from a donor. His wife, Nancy, inseminated him at home with a device she said was like a syringe without the needle. They bought it from a veterinarian and it is typically used to feed birds.

And you thought your family had “issues”. Congratulations, I guess.

  1. Sea Lawyer says:

    Well, if making a baby is just a process, then they could have adopted.

  2. The Alfer says:

    My eyes…my eyes, arggghhh! McCullough you sure have a fondness for gay pictures, first the Village People in that UK harassment post, now this!

    BTW, while nothing surprises me anymore, some knowledge I can do without.

  3. Jeanne says:

    Sea Lawyer: Thanks for showing me the meaning of illogical.

    So, if making a baby is a process, he could have adopted / done in vitro / stolen a baby / fostered / cloned / etc., etc.

    Do you even believe you make sense?

  4. moss says:

    Congratulations, of course.

  5. bile-in-my-throat says:

    This person poses for photos and gives interviews because “she” obviously thinks this will be accepted eventually. WRONG! I’m fairly liberal and progressive, I believe to let people live and let live, but god damn it this is completely sickening! I don’t need to see this sh*t. You can see where she had her breasts cut off for Christ sakes!

  6. chuck says:

    So, a woman (who’s had some surgery) has a baby.
    It’s a miracle!

    No, wait, I’m pretty sure it happens every day.

  7. BdgBill says:

    I’m so sick of this story. Listen carefully….THAT PERSON IS NOT A MAN. The fact that she had her tits cut off and cut her hair does not make her a man. Therefore, this story is no more amazing or interesting than any other ugly woman managing to get pregnant.

    If let myself get fat and hairy and made an announcement that “I am now a bear”, could I appear in worldwide press articles with titles such as “Bear Drives Car”, “Bear Refuses to Upgrade to Vista” etc?

  8. Patrick says:

    #6 Yep. A woman has a baby and it’s news?

  9. >>Beatie was impregnated with sperm from a donor. His
    >>wife, Nancy, inseminated him at home with a device
    >>she said was like a syringe without the needle. They
    >>bought it from a veterinarian and it is typically
    >>used to feed birds.

    Awwww jeez. I don’t want to read about that on the Fourth of July.

  10. The Alfer says:

    #7: I’m so sick of this story. Listen carefully….THAT PERSON IS NOT A MAN. The fact that she had her tits cut off and cut her hair does not make her a man. Therefore, this story is no more amazing or interesting than any other ugly woman managing to get pregnant

    Couldn’t agree with you more.

    #7: If let myself get fat and hairy and made an announcement that “I am now a bear”, could I appear in worldwide press articles with titles such as “Bear Drives Car”, “Bear Refuses to Upgrade to Vista” etc?

    No, but you can probably do it right here, it wouldn’t be any better or worse than some posts that have graced this site. BTW, do you actually want to be a bear?

  11. McCullough says:

    #7. LOL Funny, Bear.

  12. Patrick says:

    Why didn’t the subject of the story decide that she was a bird and jump off a cliff? That would be a story worth printing.

  13. deowll says:

    I wish this person well.

    The American Psychological Society would say that this person is perfectly normal.

    I consider this to be solid evidence that the people running that organization are suffering from mental problems.

    You are free to think anything you want, I’m still going to think this person’s appearance and behavior is confused and confusing.

    Would the person who posted this please stop posting this sort of ….? Let the parties involved work it out. I don’t even want to think about it.

  14. Chris says:

    Transgenders are people who are born with both male and female sex attributes. There are a small percentage of people who are born this way (I take this person’s word on that: call it the benefit of the doubt).

    All such persons have to make decisions about their lives and how they will deal with their transgender status. While we may not agree with the choice it is their choice.

    I think the only part of this I have a problem with is this person’s apparent desire for publicity about something that should really remain a private matter. I sense some grandstanding and I don’t think it is appropriate, especially where a child is involved.


  15. BigCarbonFoot says:

    There are males, females and a few hermaphrodites. What ever way you were born, that’s what you are your whole life. Surgery can change appearance, but not gender.

  16. pictor says:

    Just to be a voice of reason in all the ranting…

    Does it matter if he considers himself a male?
    Does it matter if he is legally a male
    Does it matter if he was born a she

    Does it really affect your life?

    It doesn’t threaten me to allow him the gender identity that he seeks. If he feels like he is a male inside, in his head, in his heart…then let him think that way. It’s just a little human respect not to throw it away and refute him.

    And so his body produced a baby. We all realize the physical plumbing inside, that doesn’t equate to what’s going in the head. Let him be who he is, whatever he is. It has no effect on your life.

    Move on

  17. Mr Pibb says:

    XX chromosomes = female

  18. lou says:

    Another ugly kid.

  19. The Alfer said:

    My eyes…my eyes, arggghhh! McCullough you sure have a fondness for gay pictures, first the Village People in that UK harassment post, now this!

    BTW, while nothing surprises me anymore, some knowledge I can do without.

    There’s this thing about the interwebs… no one is forcing you to come here to read the posts. I know I’m wasting my time, but gender identity(who you identify as) and sexual orientation (who you are attracted to) are two totally separate things.

    If you had your penis ripped off in a masturbation accident gone horribly wrong, would you still identify as a man? That’s gender identity. It’s your sense of self, regardless of genitals.

    And the fact that it is so horrific in your mind sets off bells in mine… a little of the “thou protesteth too much….”

    bile in my throat said:

    This person poses for photos and gives interviews because “she” obviously thinks this will be accepted eventually. WRONG!

    According to? You? Obviously he is being out and open about who he is. I have to wonder why this is so threatening to you. Why are you sickened by it? Because this person doesn’t turn you on?

    I’m fairly liberal and progressive, I believe to let people live and let live, but god damn it this is completely sickening! I don’t need to see this sh*t. You can see where she had her breasts cut off for Christ sakes!

    LOL. Sounds familar…. “I’m not a racist, I have black friends!” You’re hardly liberal or progressive and most certainly not “live and let live” if this “sickens” you. The deep dark question is why.

    I’m so sick of this story. Listen carefully….THAT PERSON IS NOT A MAN. The fact that she had her tits cut off and cut her hair does not make her a man. Therefore, this story is no more amazing or interesting than any other ugly woman managing to get pregnant.

    If let myself get fat and hairy and made an announcement that “I am now a bear”, could I appear in worldwide press articles with titles such as “Bear Drives Car”, “Bear Refuses to Upgrade to Vista” etc?

    The fact is that if you saw someone like him in a store or a bathroom, you’d never know (unless you’re peeking) he was transgender. Your analogy falls flat because he’s been on testosterone and has male secondary sex characteristics . How do you know that the “guy” next to you has a penis? Do you check? Sex is biology, gender is a social construct. That’s why this person is a female bodied man.

    deowll said:

    The American Psychological Society would say that this person is perfectly normal. consider this to be solid evidence that the people running that organization are suffering from mental problems.

    You are free to think anything you want, I’m still going to think this person’s appearance and behavior is confused and confusing.

    Would the person who posted this please stop posting this sort of ….? Let the parties involved work it out. I don’t even want to think about it.

    What is “normal”? It’s confusing to you, but should the world be centered around what you think is “normal”? In the end, isn’t it important that the child have two parents that love them? Isn’t it about being a productive citizen and being happy? If it does not harm you, why does it bother you? Again, I think this is a matter of you not being turned on… it’s the only thing that explains why you are so offended.

    Chris said:

    All such persons have to make decisions about their lives and how they will deal with their transgender status. While we may not agree with the choice it is their choice.

    I think the only part of this I have a problem with is this person’s apparent desire for publicity about something that should really remain a private matter. I sense some grandstanding and I don’t think it is appropriate, especially where a child is involved.

    Exactly. I am a transgender (transsexual) person myself, and i agree with most of what you’ve said. The only thing I’d question you on is why it’s really anything you have to agree or disagree with. If you’re a Christian and I’m an atheist, as long as my choice doesn’t effect your life, why is it anything you have a right or place to pass judgment? The studies have shown that two parent families are what is important…not gender of the parents.

  20. RTaylor says:

    I was fine with the comments until #7 insulted me.

  21. The Alfer says:

    #19: There’s this thing about the interwebs… no one is forcing you to come here to read the posts. I know I’m wasting my time.

    Look who’s talking buddy. Who’s forcing you to read this and what’s with the big diatribe?
    Some of these comments are just meant to be a joke and if you can’t take a joke then bugger off. Others maybe a little more serious. I think you’re the one with the issues here. Hey #19 – No one is forcing you to read this!

  22. What’s with the big diatribe? Um…it’s called dialogue. Jokes about a highly oppressed minority! HIGHfreakinLARIOUS! Up next, kids with downs syndrome! And for the grand finale, we can throw in some Palestinians!

    And pedro, it depends on what you classify “gay” as. Hormones in an FTM produces a penis like clitoris.

  23. The Alfer says:

    23: …And for the grand finale, we can throw in some Palestinians!

    Actually I hoping for some Muslims and maybe your transgendered girlfriend.

  24. Stephanie says:

    Gender is a construct. It is on a continuum so it varies in degree. Sex on the other hand is a male or female type thing, so only two categories to pick from. On the rare occasion, one might be born with both parts. That would be a hermaphrodite, not transgendered.

    The world has a very wide spectrum of gender and IT ALWAYS HAS. It is relatively recent though that people can surgically change their anatomy and thus change their sex.

    These are facts.

    Personally, I also consider myself middle of the road on most issues but this grosses me out. If you are a chick who wants to be a dude but still wants the fruits of being a woman, don’t sell yourself out to the media for a buck.


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