Of course, people who frequent game shows, aren’t too high up on the evolutionary chain anyway.

Thanks to Warner

  1. zebulon says:

    Now, about the difference between school levels in France and the US. I went to school in France, except in 8th grade, which I did in an American public school ( Huntsville, Al, close to NASA, lots of scientists), in 84. Well, I was the best in my class not only in math ( I has learned the same stuff 2 years before), but even in English, where we had simple vocabulary tests. And I was an average student in France. But that doesn’t mean French are better than americans in school (that’d be stupid). I’d rather say that selection in France begins earlier than in the US. If you’re good at school, your academic level in JUnior High is better in France. Now, in universities, it’s the contrary: the overall academic level in the US is better…

  2. SJP says:

    OvenMaster – Great clip; even beats this one.

    BTW: What’s a binomial?

  3. Acme says:

    *Now* I’ll call them Freedom Fries.

  4. GoodGod says:

    He had the answer right, it was the show that was wrong!

    Obviously, Millionaire is written by a bunch of secularists. The inerrant word of the Bible says, “[the LORD] set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.” (Psalm 104:5). See fixedearth.com and http://earthdeception.googlepages.com/twopager for the truth! These ideas that the Earth revolves around the Sun is a “theory” (science jargon for “guess”) and is easily debunked by simple research into the good book!

    But what do you expect from a show that is about winning money? Give me a show called “Who wants to be in the Kingdom of Heaven” and I will watch.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    Makes you wonder what the questions up to €1500 were… And the 53% who answered the sun makes you wonder how fucked up these stats are.

  6. MikeN says:

    Now for some facts. Kepler has rules for planetary motion. The poster above mentions relative motion. While it doesn’t work for the other planets, it will work for the sun. If you consider the earth fixed, then the sun’s motion tracks perfectly with Kepler’s laws, and can be considered to revolve around the earth. It moves in an elliptical path, with the earth at one focus. The time-distance formula holds.

  7. OvenMaster says:

    #30, #34:
    Glad you liked it. 😉

  8. Mister Ketchup says:

    #19 – I was kicked in the binomials.

  9. Mister Ketchup says:

    er. #29 rather – my lips get tired when I read.

  10. Mark T. says:

    Trick question. Everyone knows that everything in the Universe revolves around France.

  11. admfubar says:

    idiots of the word!!!! untie!!! :))

  12. GoodGod says:

    I see that no one argued with my point #36. Why, because you can’t argue the truth. God is the 1337 Haxxor of the universe!

  13. Likes2LOL says:

    I wonder how many of the audience would have answered that la Terre is flat, too?

    Ferdinand Magellan once said, “The Church says that the Earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the Church.”

    I’m with Ferdinand, I’ll go with science over myths any day. Hopefully we’ll still keep teaching verifiable science in our schools.

  14. Orlandus says:

    Still not right: It should be “_Vivent_ les idiots!” — with a plural verb (which is pronounced the same as the singular, but spelled differently).

  15. zebulon says:

    #46 Sorry, but I don’t agree. If you wanted to say something like “idiots live, sleep, and die like anyone”, you’d say “les idiots vivent, dorment, et meurent comme les autres”. But here, it’s a special expression, as in “long live america”, or whatever, and “vive” is never made plural. One more irrigularity of the French language…
    Maybe, a few centuries ago, you’d have been right, but in today’s French, you’d never write “vivent les idiots” ( even in literate french).


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