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I’ve been wondering lately. When did I need to start “believing” in evolution. I get the belief or not belief in God thing, but in a scientific theory?
I think it’s a useful explanation for making predictions and is testable through experiment and empirical observation. However it ain’t a belief system.
I know, I know. Off topic…
The same thing happened to the ground squirrels along the shore in Monterey, CA. They were huge from all the peanuts the tourists fed them. Now it’s against the law.
When did I need to start “believing” in evolution.
I view the “need” some have to push evolution as a flaw.
No one is out pushing to make sure you believe Einstein’s special theory of relativity or making sure you believe in the Kreb’s cycle.
Science doesn’t need believers and Joe Sixpack believing or not believing evolution won’t help him or anyone else in their daily life.
The politicization of science sucks, including stuff like the global warming theories floating around.
Popularity among the masses does not have anything to do with the truth or falacy of scientific ideas.
Yes–you, me, all intelligent people “believe” in evolution in exactly the same way religionist believe in religion===just a vague hazy lazy conclusionary easy mantra: “I believe so stop bothering me.”
Its in the details that the belief changes. When you focus your mind on a particular problem, you still believe in evolution, but how does it exactly work? Whats the best application of theory to facts? What facts best support which nuance of theory? Did birds evolve from dinosaurs or from common descent? If from dinosaurs, which ones? No long a belief system in action, even though you still believe.
Ask the religionist the same question and you get: “I believe, so stop bothering me.” Big difference.
#5 – Bobbo
What the fuck are you talking about?
Do not feed Michael!
#7–Mustard, I’d love to continue talking about how belief and religion interplay with evolution, and while the caption is about belief and evolution, I think we are only supposed to post pictures about monkeys, or maybe talk about being fat? or caged?
I don’t know, but Hopper has flagged the discussion, so who are we fat hairy apes to ignore our moderate moderator?
Mustard==do you have to understand a post immediately upon a quick read, or do you ever read one twice and think about it?
#6 OK, that is one fat monkey. And I’m guessing that Marc Perkel is overweight.
I’d suggest the Jenny Craig route. What do you use?
If you tought Gore gained weight after he lost To Bush Jr. you should check up on Hillary.
#9 – //==Bobbo==//
I read your message //==// several times ^, and I still have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. I guess it has nothing to do with the thread, so I’m just going to let it pass. I’m sure it’s just more of your slavish adherence to Dvorak’s Law. I’m tired of that conversation.
#12–Mustard==what is Dvorak’s Law? I can’t find it via google. Is it another belief system of yours?
This has very little to do with involuntary weight gain – especially in various primates.
#5, bobbo,
What the eff are you babbling about? Do you ever read your shit before desimating it to the unsuspecting masses?
#5, bobbo,
What the eff are you babbling about? Do you ever read your shit before desimating it to the unsuspecting masses?
Try walking three miles every day or ride and exercise bike for at least 40 minutes. It got about 55 pounds off me but the problem is you can never stop and sooner or later you will stop.
deowll said: “…but the problem is you can never stop and sooner or later you will stop.”
Wiser words were never said.
Off topic too.
# 5 bobbo said, on June 28th, 2008 at 2:23 pm Yes–you, me, all intelligent people “believe” in evolution.
Why is it that if you are skeptical of the gov, big business or religion you are intelligent but if you have doubt about globel warming you are labeled a moran.