DALLAS, Texas (AP) — American Airlines says customers will be able to test in-flight Internet access on two flights beginning Wednesday, with broader service expected to begin in the following couple of weeks. Facing record high fuel prices, airlines are looking at entertainment and information services as ways to make a few more bucks per passenger. American plans to charge $9.95 to $12.95 for Internet service, depending on flight length. The test with technology partner Aircell LLC will begin on one flight from New York’s Kennedy Airport to Los Angeles and one return flight, said Doug Backelin, American’s manager of in-flight technology. The test service will be free, he said. Passengers will be able to use e-mail and instant messaging and to download video and connect to secure networks on notebook computers or other wireless devices such as smart phones through three wireless access points on the plane, said Dave Bijur, an Aircell executive.

Bijur said Aircell’s networks can handle a planeload of Web surfers. American won’t filter any Internet content. Backelin said attempts to block pornography, for instance, could disrupt legitimate Web sites.

Yeah, this should be interesting.

  1. zybch says:

    Lets see how long before some stupid jerk (most probably an evangelical nutjob) takes offense at what someone 2 isles over and 4 rows forward is looking at. After all, just not looking will NEVER occur to them, or at least never override their need to cause as much fuss as possible all in the name of their tolerant god.

  2. jescott418 says:

    On a more basic note. I wonder how fast this service will be?? Any ideal at what speed it will be?? I can already see idiots freakin out over a dropped connection!!

  3. Ron Larson says:

    I don’t know about you, but I find working on a laptop in coach is impossible now. So what good is internet access?

    What happens is that the idiot in front lowers their seat. That leaves a few inches between your lap and the seat back. In order to fit, the laptop screen needs to be angled almost closed, so I can’t even see the damn screen.

    I’ve given up on trying to use computers on flights. It only works if there is an empty seat next to you.

  4. lou says:

    Download a file on the laptop before you go.
    Cost 0.

  5. debegray says:

    Zybch, you obviously don’t have kids. The first person to complain won’t be an evangelical nutjob, it’ll be some parent whose kid is asking why the guy in the next seat is looking at a woman and donkey “wrestling.”

  6. MotaMan says:

    Solo mile high club

  7. Dallas says:

    As long as they filter out VOIP applications, I will be happy. What is worse than soft porn is a plane load of yappers.

  8. SJP says:

    Cute pussy.

  9. Mister Mayonnaise says:

    They have bra ads on the internet as well as in the newspapers now?

  10. Noam Sane says:

    attempts to block pornography, for instance, could disrupt legitimate Web sites.

    Common sense, what a concept.

  11. Brandon Bachman says:

    I can tell you right now, Firefox will have to be the way they go, rebuilt for American Airlines, and running “Updates” off their own private servers.

    Install Adblock Plus, NoScript, Public Fox (or R-kiosk and adding booleen value navbar.rkiosk with a pre-configured navigation bar), some other extension that kills cookies on close, more stuff to monitor who’s where, and a bogus “Update” to force everyone into rebooting their browser once they add a few more blacklist entries to AdBlock and NoScript.


  12. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I can’t fly using only one hand.

  13. Patrick says:

    I still can’t get a power connection on American.

  14. Rick Cain says:

    So they will allow you to visit or, that’s a relief.


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