GLOUCESTER (WBZ) ― There’s a stunning twist to the sudden rise in teen pregnancies at Gloucester High School. 17 students there are expecting and, according to a published report, most of them became that way on purpose. Time Magazine is reporting that nearly half of the girls confessed to making a pact to get pregnant and raise their babies together. None of the girls is older than 16. Principal Joseph Sullivan said that wasn’t all that was shocking. “We found out one of the fathers is a 24-year-old homeless guy,” he told Time.

Last month, two top officials at the high school’s health center resigned in a fight over contraceptives distribution. Medical Director Dr. Brian Orr and chief nurse practitioner Kim Daly support confidentially giving contraceptives to students. They were outraged about resistance from Addison Gilbert Hospital, which administers the state public health grant that funds the school clinic. Normally, the school has about four pregnancies per school year. According to Time, school officials started looking into the spike in pregnancies after an unusual number of girls came to the school clinic for pregnancy tests. Some came by several times. “Some girls seemed more upset when they weren’t pregnant than when they were,” Sullivan told the magazine. The pregnant girls and their parents turned down requests to be interviewed. A recent graduate who had a baby during her freshman year told Time she knows why the girls wanted to get pregnant. “They’re so excited to finally have someone to love them unconditionally,” Amanda Ireland, 18, said. “I try to explain it’s hard to feel loved when an infant is screaming to be fed at 3 a.m.”

How nice.

  1. HMeyers says:

    It worked for people in 1800s.

    Modern life is overrated.

  2. Dauragon says:

    hahaha! Amanda Speaks the truth!

  3. supraman215 says:

    ALWAYS WRAP IT!! That’s how!
    Safer Sex!

  4. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #4 – So?

    Teenagers are stupid and unable to make these decisions. So abort the babies and ground the girls and arrest the homeless guy.

    Problem solved.

  5. edwinrogers says:

    Why didn’t I go to that High School?

  6. Jägermeister says:

    We found out one of the fathers is a 24-year-old homeless guy…

    Rough life… I believe it will be hard to collect the child support…

  7. Noel says:

    Teenagers aren’t stupid. American teenagers are ignorant.

  8. jlm says:

    arr o tee eff ell

  9. rectagon says:

    So we’ve been telling teens that there are no boundaries on sex. They have followed that logic to it’s conclusion and now see no boundaries on reproduction. Nice work people.

  10. Todd Henkel says:

    Would be good to follow the lives of these girls one year, five years and so on into the future. Maybe report on how their lives were impacted for better and worse. And of those around them.

  11. lou says:

    Shame, It would have made a geat TV show on FOX.

  12. Shin says:

    The next time they start talking about “unconditional love”, someone should ask them how they feel about their mothers.

    pedro is right..there are 2 different stories about a bunch of girls who decided to have babies (guess that abstinence talk didn’t work either, eh?), and one about the clinic staff quitting over the refusal to hand out birth control. Something you would think they would be interested in doing before they found out the reason for the pregnancy spike…

    As for the homeless guy..a girl comes up to you on the street and says “Please F me”. You’re going to card her? I don’t know what he is doing in the story at all..none of the other fathers are mentioned. Just to get that good knee jerk response I suppose…”homeless men are rampaging throughout the streets, knocking up your teenage’s true!!”

  13. Rick Cain says:

    Teenaged boys should be embarassed. Teen girls want to get knocked up and they had to find post-college and homeless men to do it.

    Quit playing with model airplanes! There are women to seed!

  14. Lady Killer says:

    They should all be forced to watch bbc’s (now nbc) baby borrowers. That will scare them straight.

  15. "The Homeless Guy" says:

    I can’t believe that these girls would be this stupid, however I thank god they are! I will never forget that fateful day when the wonderful young lady approached me in the alley beneath the dumpster, where I reside and showered me with Wild Turkey and a little lovin. The day after, when I had recovered from my hangover, I stopped to ponder the reason why a teenage girl would resort to sleeping with a filthy, stinky and let’s face it a low life with a limited future. I then caught a glimpse of the young lady as we awoke in my bed with plush a refrigerator box comforter and I had found my answer. This girl had to have been the most hideous creature in God’s creation, I mean seriously she was so repulsive she couldn’t even get a horny teenage boy or your average pedophile to knock her up, she resorted to bottom feeding!!!

  16. Luciano says:

    I am a high school teacher and I hope nothing of the kind will be the idea of our students. I have been struggling to warn them about bad behavior and thoughtless acts. Parents and teachers, put your kids straight by setting good examples.

  17. Rick Cain says:

    I saw an interview with one pregnant girl and her boyfriend.

    Guess what, they were both upper class kids, the boyfriend had a job and was going to college, and they were getting married. They didn’t blame society, nor the media, nor the Juno movie…she took birth control but they just were unlucky.

    I guess Fox News couldn’t pass up a story about Massachusetts, the belly of the liberal beast.

    Mass. has the some of the lowest rates of teen pregnancy and divorce in the USA.

  18. Joe Gren says:

    When families undergo stress, the next most critical step to be able to cope up having a lot of stressful situations is to bond together, to hold substantial conversations, and to express in as numerous ways as possible the ill-feelings toward the stress. This is to create certain that they understand fully their predicament and for them to stay bonded to overcome this challenge.


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