NEW YORK — Jessica Simpson was spotted wearing a T-shirt with the slogan “Real Girls Eat Meat” printed across her chest — leading PETA to denounce the singer as a “stupid girl.”

On the PETA Files blog, the animal rights group responds to the Simpson shirt by listing the “top five reasons that only stupid girls brag about eating meat.”

Simpson family insiders reportedly told OK! magazine that the shirt is a dig at her boyfriend Tony Romo’s ex-girlfriend, country superstar Carrie Underwood — who doesn’t eat meat. PETA twice has named Underwood the “World’s Sexiest Vegetarian.”

Hmmmm… makes me want to run out and devour a steak.

Thanks Cinaedh.

  1. rodnovca says:

    I’m a humanitarian.

  2. PierreSerne says:

    I’d like to have a meat and greet with her..

  3. Calin says:

    Anyone else read #29 and think to themselves, “Gee, I wonder what PETA had to do with that fuzzy alien?”

  4. bonscott says:

    A friend of mine is vegetarian.

    He says it’s not because he loves animals but because he hates plants.

  5. MoparPower says:

    “Carrie Underwood performs for US Army Troops on a USO tour in Iraq.”
    So war is ok? PETA? Or is it sexy even to vegans?

  6. hardedge says:

    I do my best to fight global warming so I eat as many methane-producing cows as possible. PETA should be ashamed of itself for being against the fight to save Mother Earth!

  7. Who says:

    I have a tube steak smothered in underwear for her.

  8. Moo says:

    I dunno about meat…

    … but I suddenly want some milk…

  9. GinaQ says:

    PETA has lost their MINDS!!!

    No one would have cared before this. Now I’m ordering a double veal cheeseburger topped with piglet bacon. Screw meat!

    FYI, if you REALLY want to support the Simp, the shirt is here.

  10. Rick Cain says:

    I had a steak and salad and wouldn’t ya know, the salad gave me diarrhea.

  11. Joey says:

    I can’t stand you animal murderers! You’re just like terrorists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. wumppus says:

    As a lacto-ovo-pesco-candy-vegetarian terrorist, I am inclined to think that Miss Simpson is secretly involved in a meat eaters cabal that is bent upon subjugating the peaceful vegetarian masses. If only our animal friends would join with us and fight those flesh eating fiends — we would finally be victorious and our superior outlook on the “physiological synthesis of carbon based compounds” would dominate humankind! And ultimately we would be create a better world, a world where everyone would eat primary producers and the sun would always shine.
    Gaia bless PETA.


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