What a concept! I would think there are a few problems to iron out though.

  1. Buddcar says:

    Wind flutter noise would be a big issue with sny unsupported panel. Pretty though.

  2. hhopper says:

    “Man flapped to death doing 100 mph in new BMW.”

  3. Miss_X2b says:

    Key jobs on your paint might be a thing of the past but I could just picture all the punks in my neighborhood pulling out their knives and just carving that car to shreds.

  4. JPV says:

    Over the last couple of years, BMW has led the pack with the worst automotive design out there. This is no exception.

  5. DCS says:

    I guess the Wright brothers and all early aviation were just foolish trying to use textile to cover their wings. It just fluttered them to death. Before you speak think.

  6. bac says:

    How much weight savings there would be? I am thinking not much but it might help get better fuel mileage.

  7. BubbaRay says:

    #5 DCS said,

    “I guess the Wright brothers and all early aviation were just foolish trying to use textile to cover their wings.”

    Har! Good one. Give me a spruce spar and a fabric wing any day.

  8. Uncle Patso says:

    Where are my hip boots?

    That guy has _definitely_ drunk the Kool-Aid!

    I haven’t heard such a load of meaningless buzzwords since EST and its ilk. (You could look it up.)

  9. SpunkyMaMa says:

    Um other than cool concept the guy talking made me fall asleep from the beginning!

  10. The Warden says:

    The greatest thing about this that BMW has yet to boast about is that the material doubles as a condom. This is the ultimate make out car EVAR!

  11. IvanA says:

    1st time I saw it i though the car was getting a boner

  12. Uncle Patso says:

    “Context over dogma”

    What does that even MEAN?

    Sounds like the kind of field where, when you take the tests in school, they say “Time’s up, shovels down!”


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